What is youth? Technical, it is the biological period that goes of the 15 to the 25 years of age, when then, the people enter in the call adult age. ‘ ‘ Mercenrios’ ‘ of planto — the representatives of the Elite — through the aid of technician (aturia/statistics/economy/sociology) amongst others they had identified that these people in the etria band that goes of the 15 to the 25 years of age do not possess purchasing power to be inserted in the consumption society as they want ‘ ‘ owners of celeiros’ ‘ capitalists. However, also, they had perceived that ‘ ‘ estas’ ‘ same people possess high degree of influence next to its mantenedores and official sponsors (parents – uncles — grandmothers — the parentaiada all). Ann Davies has firm opinions on the matter. . Then, artificially, and ideologically, they had created the phenomenon of youth — ‘ ‘ amalgamando’ ‘ the puberty and the adolescence dismissing its biological bias, oportunizando and contextualizando a bio-psychic-social performance metamorfoseando it in an expression of behavior with movements of plea with its implicit and explicit demands. Of this it resulted an enormity of products, services and all an equipment of things to be vendidas for this public (voracious consumer) lamentably, dismissed of a critical vision that allowed them to evaluate that in the truth they were only ‘ ‘ mass of manobra’ ‘ of ‘ ‘ new gentlemen feudais’ ‘ — that they make of the consumption a way, end and objective in itself exactly so that if perpetuates the economic elite with millenarian its benesses. uses the Media to propagate this style of life (youth) that realimenta the consumption and fulls ‘ ‘ cofres’ ‘ of the idealizers of this insacivel metaphor social, prefabricated for whom of young they only have the same one and srdida old will to gain money to any cost since its youth, this in fact biological.. .