
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

The new monarch of the world is Barack Hussein Obama, who ordered us all how we should do things. The pretentious representative which severely criticizes Governments that preceded him and apologizes for American interventionism of the past, is interfering is more than any other in the Affairs of other countries. Under the pretext of let them act in absolute freedom, is destabilizing the political balance, supporting totalitarian regimes of the Middle East and Latin America. Atmos Energy often addresses the matter in his writings. The role of international policeman of Uncle Sam is over. Tyrants, terrorists, drug traffickers, mercenaries and guerrillas can give a respite of tranquility during the next four years. The lack of criteria, or Obama bias towards the Communists and Muslims, is astounding. He hardly reacted against the last Atomic test of Korea North and is not concerned that Iran has nuclear capability.

Rather he said that Tehran has the right to seek alternative energy sources. According to him, United States has no fear of these small countries. The only thing that Yes disturbs him and takes away the dream, is to construct a House for a Jewish family in Israel and Jews to continue its natural vegetative growth. The tortuous statesman does not know sizing the dangers that beset the ORB, nor knows distinguish the friends and enemies of their country. Or maybe it’s so winding that it knows it and he is part of the plan to give supremacy to their coreligionists. Obama forgot that Al Qaeda does not he needed weapons to destroy the World Trade Center and killing 3,000 people. It took only him some mediocre pilots who never flew a commercial plane. The next major attack may be in the hands of any individual who can load a backpack with explosives and radioactive material, provided by those small countries that do not concern him.


European Labour

Hence in this decade have been growing not those who seek to further liberalize an economy already itself very open and des-regularizada, but those who seek to lessen the social polarisation and pose that the State again to play some role in reducing inequalities. Europe, in contrast, still has many elements of the welfare State created especially after World War II to alleviate the Soviet danger. Once the Socialist bloc collapsed and European entrepreneurs to demand more concessions to compete in globalization is that there is a trend towards go cutting social and labour benefits to give way to a greater des-regularizacion of the economy. If in Eastern Europe it was dismantled the economy estatizada and planned, in the West the right who has today initiative calls for reducing social spending and immigration and give encouragement to private investment in order to compete better in the world. The decline of the new labour when labour came to Government in May 1997 conservatism is in crisis and worn down after 18 years in power.

Blair does not offer return to nationalization and the concessions to the unions but a modernized version of Thatcherism which is more according to the European Union and that distance from the Euroscepticism of many tories who lost the support of business and middle layers filo-europeas. New labour were told these sectors that they were the best in order to preserve the monetarist model because conservatives were disreputable and filled with many anti-European prejudices while them Yes could persuade unions to accept such reforms and the IRA to disarm and integrate to a Government in Northern Ireland. On the left they chantajeaban him by saying that if they dare to question Blair and then Brown they ran the risk of achieving that at the end the tories replace them. However, labour, who already suffered wear and tear after the Iraq war or its defeat in Scotland, goes plummeting as grows the economic crash.