In the present article I will transmit a series of slight knowledge, of very basic form, regarding the canine perception of that scent, that emanated by the victim, supposes an essential stimulus so that the rescue dog takes to effect the location and signaling of the same. The canine sense of smell is potentially an extraordinary instrument to be able to locate the victims buried in a wreck, but we have to have present that diverse causes, more or less direct, can decrease or to even annul their effectiveness in the operations search. An inadequate level of motivation, weak concentration, a deficient formation, stress, the environmental fatigue in the dog, factors, the lack of skill of the guide or the Commander of the Unit is even some of these causes. Stimulating the specific ones of the olfactory cells are the odorous substances that in gaseous form are introduced in the nasal cavity during the breathing. In this question I consider important to emphasize that although the simple normal respiratory movements put in contact to the olfactory mucosa with part of the inspired air, when the dog realises the voluntary act to smell, remarkably increases the communication of the odorous substances with mucous happiness, increasing consequently its power olfactory of considerable form. So that the dog perceives a scent emitted by a substance is necessary that an suitable volume arrives at its area olfatoria from air with a sufficient concentration from odorous particles, being to him easier to perceive at the most volatile substance and soluble in water it is.
Inside the nasal graves of the dog, is a covered membrane of olfactory cells, whose configuration presents/displays a set of you fold. The number of olfactory cells in this membrane oscillates between 150 and 300 million following the race, whereas in the man exist around 5 million. These olfactory cells that are located in the nasal mucosa and order to pick up the odorous stimuli, are provided nervous cells of a peripheral prolongation that finishes in cilia or filaments, which they arrive until the surface of the nasal mucosa and are places setting by a thin liquid layer secreted by the calls glands of Bowman.