
Agricultural Extension

It presents practical and sustainable solutions for the organization of different spaces. The permacultura is the productive ecosystem elaboration, implantation and maintenance that keep the diversity, the resilience and estabildiade of natural ecosystems, promoting energy, housing and feeding human being of harmonious form with the environment (Mollison et al. 1999 apud Jacintho 2007). Holmgren (2007), through the flower of the permacultura, illustrates the seven necessary fields for a sustainable planning throughout generations: According to Jacinth (2007, p.37), the term appeared in Australia if spread out for the North America and Europe, arriving Latin America and at Brazil in middle of years 80. Today, the continents exist justinian codes of Permacultura in all, in more than one hundred nations. Diverse countries, as Brazil, ' ' they come adopting the Permacultura as agricultural methodology e, even though, schools of all the levels are including the Permacultura in its resume bsico' '.

(TO SOUND, 1998. P. 5) Bill Mollison visits Brazil in 1992 and gives 1 Course of Design in Permacultura (PDC), thus forming, the first Brazilian permacultores that they had had the mission to divulge the method and to create the Justinian codes of Permacultura in Brazil. (PERMACOLETIVO, 2009). Currently, are 14 justinian codes located in the states of Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, So Paulo, Gois, Mato Grosso of the South, Federal District, Amazon, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande Do Sul and Bahia, that act in the Brazilian territory in different scales. (PERMACULTURA, 2009). These organizations work, through joint actions with the local community and governmental spheres, in such a way to foment the development of practical solutions for the Brazilian society in urban areas how much in agricultural areas. The performance of organizations, as the INCRA (National Institute of Colonizao and the Agrarian Reformation), EMBRAPA (Brazilian Company of Farming Research), DATER/SAF (Department of Assistance Technique and Agricultural Extension of the Secretariat of Familiar Agriculture) and the Agrarian Ministry of Public Works and the Economy, using methods of the Permacultura, promote practical of handling of the natural resources and the impacts of the presence human being more sustainable.