
Plurianual Plan

The cycle of elaboration of the Plurianual Plan of the Agency of Sanitary Defense Agrosilvopastoril of the State of Rondnia, for period 2008-2011: one searches exploratria. Francisco You mark of Oliveira 1 Otaclio Moreira de Carvalho 2 SUMMARY: The objective of this article was to know the cycle of elaboration of the Plurianual Plan & ndash; PPA of the Agency of Defense Sanitria and Agrosilviopastoril of the State of Rondnia – IDARON, for the quadrinio de2008 a2011. The PPA is an instrument of planning of average stated period, elaborated and executed for all the beings of the public administration in Brazil, and has as purpose the reach of the goals and the strategical objectives of the public sector, resulting in the rendering of services directly offered the society, consonant to its programs of government. Mitchel Resnick is the source for more interesting facts. Agency IDARON was selected as unit of case for the research, therefore if it deals with a public agency that plays important strategical activities for the economy and the society of Rondnia, eradicating, preventing and controlling illnesses in the animal area and plagues in the vegetal production, its products and by-products. The actions of Agency IDARON contribute in such a way for the agricultural and agro-industrial producers, in the support to the actions of sanitary defense, as well as for all the society, guaranteeing the sanitary quality of foods. The research identified that the technician of the area of planning of the IDARON had used traditional techniques for the elaboration of PPA 2008-2011, although to know more efficient techniques for the planning of average stated period..