
Pocket Money

"In 14 years, I caught sight of one book:" Are we not women. " We were guests, children played in the room. A mom in the kitchen drinking tea and discussing the complexities of female life: children (including myself) dispel the pocket money to the wind. " On the cover landmark book, according to Ina M., tax consultant from Rostov-on-Don, a woman with flowing hair interfered with a ladle in a flying pan. Revolved around sewing machines, washing-board (there were others remember? "). On the back of a woman's daughter was sitting.

"Today I am here to pririsovala laptop, chef and bunches of packets with their purchases, and his daughter would replace her son. I'm not so sorry for money, but worried about him: he's too much money to spend on useless sweetness and growing irresponsible. " Also, instead of Ladle Inna added to a cell phone. Especially since he seems to be able to make some order in this whirlwind: ensuring the continuity of generations in the family of Ina, stand the two main financial issues: 1. Where can I get money? 2. To spend money son? She gives her son out of pocket expenses from the first class: the dining, travel, tutor in English and various pleasant trifles. "Class contributions and extra-curricular activities, he pays himself.

Change, if small, can keep "- says Ina. So the money as a reward, it is not used: pleasant things he can buy himself. Its main objective – to teach his son prudent money management and show how looks like the financial independence: to moderate spending money on useless and harmful chocolate bars, sodas and chips and understand what the consequences are yours financial decisions.