
United States

Because later they are wanted to acquire the favor. It would finance its electoral campaign with its savings, and if they choose president would have to use all banking savings in those five years, so that their daughters can study with dignity in universities of the United States. If it loses, it would lose half million dollars at least, and if it wins it would have to burn all savings in those five years. Soon Jaime speaks of the denunciation of the newspaper Peru 21 on Chestnut grove and Comunicore the manager of this company that disappears after acquiring the silver Henry Brachowicz, was engraving, and Jaime showed the video where he reveals himself that the suspicion is confirmed. Comunicore is constituted in company and acquires the debt of Relima because it knew that Chestnut grove was going to pay Comunicore to him a phantasmagoric company. – Jaime also does mention that this video have other mass media and that seems to him well -. Chestnut grove knew that it was paying to a ghost company, and with this it becomes a suspicious potential of robbery. And it would not be rare, because this is common.

It is well difficult to find a honest politician, says Jaime to us. Miguel I drag, the manager of Relima and Chestnut grove, convinced a Brachowicz to form Comunicore to acquire that money and in addition to remain with alguito of all that. It is verified that Chestnut grove made a trap extraordinary. 16 million suns as minimum they rose. The Peruvians already we took note. And the denunciation well is founded. This instructs Jaime yet to us Bayly.

Now I say: This organization who mounted to acquire those 16 million suns, must of have been well gangster and dangerous. Because I ask myself Where they were the marks, that could to them have robbed all that money, to all those people who received checks, and who soon gave to one hundred suns but their passages them? , Where they were the marks, that did not do any of those robberies? That such security of gnster must of have been that, so that nor the marks approached by the fear. It does not seem to them? Although it is certain that this cochinada embarra to Chestnut grove until the neck, also it is well certain that Jaime is wanted it to remove from means for these presidential elections, and if it is not for him, will be for another this please push. Jaime speaks of the difficulty of the dance in Lourdes, and recognizes she it. In one interview that does to him says that if did not dance well, it was by the cold and because the dress coat that took putting was very heavy. To Jaime it likes to put names between the names of the politicians. Alex toll Kouri, attacker of ways, says that she is going to remove a chacalonera music for his campaign. He will be because it is a jackal? , and also pa goes to enter the sauce with the brave subject I Fernando Andrade says that to Lourdes him the bread in the door of the furnace can be burned. Jaime says that he will be panetn rather, and he ***reflxes mng himself.