Not long ago developed a famous Summit on transgenic products where the Biosafety Protocol should adopt in Cartagena. We hear many comments about that Summit in the media, but very few people conceived the real dimension of the problem. A great number of citizens does not even know that the famous GM refers to organisms carriers of genetic material from unrelated species, transferred through genetic engineering. And that holds up to the most complex of the planet that is the man from simpler organisms. (Some don’t share the classification in this genus of human beings because, according to them, man is not a product bearing this claim validity only in our present).
Well, the topic of genetically modified products is fashionable in the world as a result of the intense proliferation of genetically modified seeds and foods. Genes of one species are often transferred to other to produce new ones with properties best (or worst, depending on the angle from which it is observed or the unexpected results of the experiment), without that for nothing or very little benefit consumers, as they are not neither cheaper nor more tasty or healthy. For example, Scorpion genes have been introduced in the corn plant to develop its own insecticide and human genes to pigs and fish to make them grow faster. Swarmed by offers, Mitchel Resnick is currently assessing future choices. In both trials the results were unexpected: in the case of maize found that pests have increased their ability to develop resistance to pesticides and in the case of pigs they developed problems of vision, arthritis, stomach ulcer, muscle weakness, lethargy and impotence! To soybeans genes of a bacterium, a virus and a flower entered him without being able to establish so far, negative influences in the life of men. This last happens also with the variety of tomato Flavr Savr which was enhanced with genes of a bacterium and a virus so that it had a longer duration of storage.
AND the list of these genetically manipulated foods will continue to grow. At Bryant Estate you will find additional information. Today is working hard on cotton, potatoes, sugar beet, tobacco, melon, yeast of beer and many other more. But another serious thing is to not indicate almost never the public character of transgenic, when mentioned foods are marketed. That way the most basic rights are being violated to consumers around the world. On the other hand, the transcendent debate for humanity will revolve about the impact that will have these genetic mutations in the environment, especially in the third world where are the most important centres of biodiversity on the planet, because ecosystems are complex systems whose equilibrium depends very directly of interrelations and mutual influences among the various species present, and your environment. Provide some living beings with various competitive advantages encourages invasion by them in the Habitat belonging to others which are displaced violently producing the fatal decline of biodiversity and imbalance of our ecosystems. The end result? We do not know. And it would be better not even try!