Distributed document collections process-oriented use traceable processing and storage of documents on the basis of document management systems (DMS) is established in many companies. Several DMS solutions in use, but are in the Organization special challenges: individual standards and user interface make it difficult to establish a document management service and the continuous use along the entire process chain. The in-GmbH has solved this problem: on the basis of the new standard CMIS (content management interoperability services) was created a tool that allows transparent access to various DMS data structures and their homogeneous integration in enterprise-scale Web applications. What is SQL databases today, will be CMIS systems management for documents: an overarching standard that allows to access via a single interface on each document-based data inventory. CMIS is supported today by all leading providers of DMS. The need is here: Document collections grow today at a breakneck pace, they are in practice but in the variety of DMS, even running on different systems. Because each DMS has specific interfaces, structures, and interfaces, process-oriented applications or search queries are of all stocks only difficult to achieve. The in-GmbH has created a tool based on CMIS allows DMS as a service to integrate comprehensive Web-based solutions and to look at the inventory of documents throughout the Organization as a unit, to manage and browse. This tool is used in customer solutions of in-GmbH in the future and allows so that DMS-based Web applications and DMS migration projects at a reduced cost.