Nobody can assure since moment the human being discovers what later " was called; Electricidad". The evidence that exists is that, 600 years before Christ was observed this phenomenon, by the Greek philosopher " Such of Mileto". It was first in discovering the attraction and repulsion of the objects like fabric or skin, rubbed in a piece of " Amber amarillo". This one is a resinous substance, that in Greek denominates " ELEKTRON" , this one gave to origin to the name of the particle atomics " ELECTRON" , and the term " ELECTRICIDAD". Soon later. it was discovered that not only elektron had the property to attract small particles, when they were put under the frotamiento with glass, soothes, fabrics, etc. Given the relation with the phenomenon of elecktron, " was adopted the term; electrizado" , indicating with that a body had acquired the same properties.
Who has not rubbed a comb in his hair and soon to approach it a small piece of paper. All without a doubt we have done, it and we observed as the paper piece adheres to the comb, this is " electricity esttica". The intensity of an electrical current is expressed in " COULOMBS BY SEGUNDO". " AMPERIO" he is equivalent to a Coulomb per second and its name is in honor to the mathematician and French scientist " Andre Marie Ampere (1775 – 1836). It was the one who devised the electrodynamics and it invented the electromagnet and the telegraph.
Resistance: " ohmio" it is the resistance that has a conductor when applying an electrical tension of a volt in its ends, takes place a current of " amperio". Volt: Certain electrical pressure to send an electrical current through a conductor. A volt is the pressure that is required to cause to a current of a coulomb per second that is an ampere, through a conductor who offers a resistance of 1 ohm. Also " is denominated; Force electromotriz" (Fem.). The volt name is in honor to the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745 – 1827). Alessandro Volta invented the electrical battery that it takes its name.