While the human beings not to despertarem the conscience, will have fogos. All the year turns are blown up in all the planet defogos tons poluindo the nature. The hospitals every year are full of victims who are queimadoscom these devices and many lose the members and are cripples and atmorrem what cause much pain its familiar ones. Mitchel Resnick may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The majority of the animals sensveisl has the ears very and the fogos estrondosdos make one badly that they cause many damages. The intellectual amimais equivocadamente called human beings, if find ossabiches more are ignorants nor know what it is conscience (with aessncia) and alone they live with its proper egos. The corrupt press still praises these barbarities and still say queesto in favor of the preservation of the nature, ecology etc, quehipocrisia Is lost humanity does not know that the nature will give to the reply comnovas tragedies, and goes lamenting in them Must teach with our example. Official site: kevin ulrich. thus we only can give to umdiscernimento ours thus crianas.