The illumination is a sparkle of brings back to consciousness. That simple, that natural. Because the illumination is a natural process, although this word can seem that it talks about something supernatural. All life has a process. It is a growth process that takes to us to be maturing, learning, experimenting, feeling Diverse lessons are those that the life offers to us, sometimes with pain and suffering and others with said joy and.
Often the suffering is what precedes to the wisdom. Often the truth is to remember what we had forgotten, because in all process of spiritual evolution it is necessary to be acquiring a degree of balance in all the aspects, a compensation, a rate that does not leave anything of side, that combines all it in a harmony that it sustains to walk conscious. The process to wake up of the Kundalini energy is an intimate development, because it supposes to wake up all that potential ours that we took inside and that of natural form acquires the self-knowledge again. That self-knowledge is to give light to the ignorance, because this one candle, it grows dark, the truth of brings back to consciousness. That is to say, the ignorance does not indicate us that truth does not exist, but the truth is after her, for that reason we called to the ignorance the veil of Mayan, that appearance that covers the reality, nevertheless the reality is there, can be seen clearly clearing that veil. Tenth that is an ascent in spiritual waking up, tenth that the Kundalini energy has the form of a enroscada serpent that, as grows that process to wake up is unscrewed and ascending around chakras, from the base of the spine (muladhara) to seventh chakra (sahasrara) in the head. Tenth that ascent has to be conscious, from the first moment to its culmination, happening through all the phases, acquiring that knowledge, that truth, that entails all the process to wake up.