Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.-the Valley of Extremadura, where sits the Monterrey metropolitan area is a place surrounded by huge and beautiful mountains that latest dates you see opaqued by the huge amount of dust pollutants in the atmosphere. And are most powders produced by quarries that extract minerals with dynamite and that 5 years ago had to have been relocated outside the metropolitan area of Monterrey. But it is not. Monterrey is an imminently industrial city. The first mega factories that were installed as Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc, the Fundidora de Fierro, Vidriera Monterrey and tinplate and steel, Blade, settled on the banks of the then-fledgling city. Soon, the urban development hapless factories and normal and irregular settlements were established around the factories said it in passing, have invested billions of dollars in their processes of industrial restructuring to reduce polluting effects. Not so the quarries which are few and that contaminates indiscriminately the atmosphere of Monterrey. The downside of the matter is that it was already politicized the topic to assume a Deputy and Mayor of the municipality of Santa Catarina, both of the national action party defence of the environment, but inking environment of policy.
And parco is the Governor of the State, Jose Natividad Gonzalez Paras responds with a weak perhaps it is time that will, in allusion to the contaminants quarries. The case of the best so-called Governor of Nuevo Leon, Alfonso Martinez Dominguez who drove the quarries of the municipality of Monterrey and sent them far away, which reminds Santa Catarina where they now operate. But voracious, urban sprawl again engulfed the industry and the problem is now great. Already in the immediate past, Governor Fernando channels Clariond extended by five years over the operating licence of the mountains and hills. That deadline expired in 2006. But it is political from the current Governor Gonzalez Paras let go, let be. With a simple decree he would order.
But you have to see that entrepreneurs they are. Hence we see many things. Meanwhile, pollution consisting of particles smaller than 10 micrometers and up to 2.5 micrometers are harmful to health because they come direct to the alveoli of the lungs and can cause death. This Governor will be the coming year. And I doubt to do something about it. Difficult what carrier is establishing the legality amid a tangle of interests. Original author and source of the article.