

It sees the easiness of this removal of weight. Removing undesirable wires electric as to pass the finger and speech: – Yes salabim, adds wire fdp! nor needs to rhyme pra magical to function. – Pra to finish this video specialized in cleanness of scene, our ilusionist makes to disappear an entire plant, with the tremendadificuldade of a click and a word necessary mgica.o of the use of brushes, incredible sensation of diving of the brush in the ink. Some examples of photos that had been painted superficially and give to a pretty aspect of a painting the oil. – Effect of axle for work of animation, incredible the easiness to get excited the image, creates a mesh in return of the image that helps in this reference with of complex edges with automatic detention of the extremities. – Window of control with daily pay similar visualization to the one of the effect of the mask.

function to save as default to a style application that was half hidden in the version doPhotoshop CS4, for who does not know I leave the tip, pressuring alt in the screen of the Layer Stylee click for you saved a style configuration. – Options of preferences to alternate to activate and to disactivate. – Preference for the behavior of standard of the command to save as. selector of colors of easy access, what it goes to save much time being prevented to have that to have access paletade colors and to come back all time that to need to make this process. – The new resource of the dropper also is well interesting, it shows to an acorn with its amostraanterior and the new color making possible the comprarao of the two. – Most sensational in my opinion, the dynamic and easy alteration of the size and hardness of the brush, clicando and dragging pra top and pra fortuitous baixo.o of the image. – Change of the main target to scale of a focada form in its object. – Algorithm for better composition. – Reconstructions of simple form, use of election to detect the similarities in the recompor hour the image. It is this, we are waiting the launching of this preciosidade! If you have more information on this belezura you share with us, you comment!