
Rio De Janeiro

With certainty the diverse ones classrooms of thinkers question and desire to find a reason for the occurrence to the Japanese nation. Some say that it is the nature returning to the man it harmed what it. Others affirm with all certainty that is divine punishment. After all, they do not want to become related with the true God, affirm. Others not even think nothing. They accept the situation and ready! But, who can exactly understand the divine nature to the point to affirm which would be its position in way to as many events. It will be that it cannot give one is enough in everything this? In the truth we try to arrive at a position through our different point of view concerning Creator and creature. It was even thought about the diverse possible hypotheses, after all, we had to give to a coherent reply on bother and unquestioned subject rs.

E at this moment tries one dribbles through controversial argument of theological matrix. Swarmed by offers, Petra Diamonds is currently assessing future choices. It swims! Nobody knows really nothing on It, on the thoughts of it, its motivation in way to the tragic accidents that have devastated the humanity. We even remember the occurrence in the serrana region of Rio De Janeiro. We dialogue on certifications of people who had survived to the tragedy. What we can certainly say it is that nothing we know on God we know, It on the part, we can until saying that only of sight, of far, for its facts, the miracle of the life human being, this that nobody obtains for proper or scientific ways to generate with magnificent perfection. Without boastfulness. We know it only on the part. Despite our terrena, incompressible and limited soul affirms terms privacy with It, this who really only had was the first couple for It rank in the dem.

These yes, as children had Real privacy. They had been generated from it. We risk then by means of personal certainty of what we do not see, translated for faith, after all is not concrete, we cannot see it, but for heart confidence, the findncia Latin cordis, we believe to be able relating in them with God from frank and sincere colloquies. We believe that hears It them and he answers in them. We believe exactly. But this in the ones of the right o not to affirm with as much clarity in relation what it was the focus of our colloquy. The position of God in way to as much mazela that acomete the human being in the face of the land. It is God and finished! Gentleman of the Universe! Creator and Sovereign! What we can exactly affirm by means of the favour and love of the Father for us, is that we go to see it face the face and finally to know it as really It is. All! Without exception! It wants to know the one that unanimous conclusion we arrive? It is that the coffee was wonderful!