
Hongxing Company

The PYG series hydraulic cone crusher is the latest product of Hongxing Company, which combines single cylinder cone crusher and PYF cone crusher, adopting a more advanced design concept. Details can be found by clicking Compuware or emailing the administrator. With the big crushing strength, high efficiency, large capacity, low cost, easy to adjust and economic usage, this equipment is widely used in metallurgy, construction, road building, chemical industry and hydrated silica industry.Because of the material components and reasonable structure, it has a longer service life. The particle size of finished product evenly reduces the circulation load. The hydraulic chamber – cleaning system in medium and large sized crushers reduces the machine s stopping time. There are many chambers type for each machine, so the customers have many choices to meet their demand.

This machine adopts the lubrication grease seal system and avoids the defects of water supplying and discharging block as well as the easily mix of water and oil. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sian Beilock. The spring insurance system is overload protection device. It can make the foreign matter and iron ore go through the crushing chamber and not damage it. In addition, the perfect combination of high crushing cavity and high crushing frequency the processing capacity greatly improves performance. And because of the adopting laminated crushing principle, most of the stone crushing products are in cubic shape.

The optimum design and hydraulic protection make it have fewer breakdowns. Generally speaking, its fault free operation can surpass 85% ratio.This machine can be divided in to standard type and short head type. Generally speaking, the standard type has the big size and the discharging size coarse feeding. The short head type have steep crushing awl and the feeding material size is small. It is to help produce the very small sized material. In general, the standard type is used for coarse and medium crushing. And the short head type is used for medium and fine crushing.


Direct Digital Marketing

The association, of which Gupost is partner, Integra to more than 500 companies interested in the development of the digital economy for the impulse and the defense of its interests. The Spanish Association of the Digital Economy (adigital) is fruit of the transformation of FECEMD, the Spanish Federation of the Digital Economy (old Federation of Electronic Commerce and Direct Marketing) and of its integral associations: the Spanish Association of Electronic Commerce and Relational Marketing, the Association of Contact Spanish Center, the Association of Digital Agencies, the Association of remote Sale and the Spanish Association of Fundraising. The beginnings of these associations began 25 years ago and all of them have seen be born and progress the digital revolution during all these years. The world-wide economy at the moment is suspended but the digital economy yes continues growing. The social Internet, Web 2,0, networks (so fashionable at the moment) and, generally, the new technologies, do not stop growing, and they become something fundamental in all type of business strategies. Also they have become vitally important elements in its relation with the clients, employees and suppliers.

Gupost, knowing all this, completes its business of Direct Marketing and Marketing Promotional with the incorporation of action of communication Online in its products. Now with the new digital changes designing a publicity campaign goes implcita the inclusion of multi-channel communication (mailing, emailing, social networks, press online .) depending who are the clients and to that public it goes directed the campaign of Direct Marketing. In Gupost we advised and we helped to the companies in the election of these different channels, managing of principle to aim the operative creation and from the action to realise. We adapted to this technological revolution. Gupost, like partner of the new Spanish Association of Digital, adigital Economy, is to the current of the new features that take place in the technology and the digital economy.



The affirmations are powerful statements that are able to convince our subconscious mind about an idea, this method has proven to be able to modify positively the lives of many people, the fundamental principle is based on the fact that everytime we express something all that is the reflection of what we are. It is easy to observe what people are and believe to a certain extent, everything expressed is according to your experiences, accomplishments, failures and their own personality, to achieve great goals and a fabulous life the key to change is it is to be able to modify our inner dialogue, i.e. things that we express ourselves, that is the great secret of the assertionsOnce we repeat certain ideas quite frequently, then the mind ends by accepting them and gradually the conditions begin to change, and from what seemed a simple assertion is possible to achieve great changes of life. So the assertions are running you must know precise techniques, the book shows the power to transform our lives of Andrew Corentt Many favorable results to internalize new ideas, you can achieve things that may seem impossible from conscious logic, but that is one of the great secrets of the power of the mind, limits them put us, then yes it is possible to achieve wonderful changes, by reading this book you will discover that information fully. A fundamental principle of an assertion is that the mind does not accept the Word does not, everytime we express something, the mind to immediately process a set of images to understand what is stating, for example if we say: Let’s Eat a Bisque instantly have the image of this soup, according to previous experiencesThis principle is fundamental to achieve good things to our life and also to create efficient and powerful affirmations, if we place a label that says does not dirty the city is incorrect because minds immediately collect the information dirty city this is unconscious, from the logic it seems that the message is Yeah, but remember that we work with two minds and for efficient results must be perfectly aligned.

The way to get something is focusing on that desire, the power to transform our lives book shows with absolute precision is condition to achieve new ideas to materialize, that is why some people continue going round in circles without sense, what happens is that they focus on what they do not want, but their minds don’t understand that and simply obey what is programmed, by reading this book you can overcome all these obstacles and achieve what you really want. The powers of the mind are extremely subtle, we use it every day and we continue to make schedules, some negative and others positive, it is necessary that you are attentive to everything he does, because if he is not careful it could become where you don’t want to. In his hands has everything to succeed, to become the person you have always desired, life is a journey quite fast, so it is essential to find the things that will give us deep satisfactions..