Posicionamiento en Buscadores where not get links one of priorities of having a site on the internet is to make money, if you earn money with your web site on a daily basis and this is enough for to be considered an additional input of money in your home, you might say that you have a successful web site. But not all webmasters enjoyed this success and that’s because they have a very limited visitor flow, this scarcity of visitors is due in turn to the bad position of your site in the will. But then comes the question of 65,000 dollars, as I do to improve the position in the are of my web site and in turn improve visits and the money generated me site. We are going to put it simple, are 2 things that will take them into consideration to give it priority in searches to a site and they are content and links! CONTENTS: If content, but not any kind of content, I mean that is new, fresh, updated, unique, that content that only exists on your web site and in any other. While more often you update your web site with content unique and quality, more often you will appear at the top of search and therefore more visitors will have.
LINKS: Yes, links, but not any kind of links, and is that not all links are built equal nor are worth the same for the, not just leave links on any site that you will find, you need to make sure that it will be a quality link and you will not lose its value over time. There are very few web sites where you can find quality links, with quality I am referring to the following. * Containing the tag index follow * that are not reciprocal because I now give him the list of sites where the links have no value to promote your website.