With the Internet it is not necessary to limit to periodicals and weekly magazines, beyond that the WWW net can be richer in information of that the great press. (Zarth, 2003. P. 12) the Internet must all be used in way of dynamic form and exploring its potential interactive. They must? if to use the potentialities of the net in such a way to place educating in situation of study and the research, how much for development of interactive activities that have an end and a process in itself as the idealizao and the maintenance of blogs. For in such a way the use of in minium, one, laboratory of computer science in the pertaining to school space becomes essential.
The use of new technologies guided well enriches practical the pedagogical ones very, bringing for innumerable comparison and visualization social contexts, through ' ' Some clicks' ' is clearly of the interaction, proposal more attractive of the net. Interesting for the educator and educating they go to be the deriving results of the interactions gifts in this field of knowing, that soon another field will be leagued, and to another one, and another one. One perceives that the interdisciplinaridade and the Internet in pertaining to school scope, walk for the complementation lend. pedagogical interdisciplinaridade as practical allows the use of a methodology of the education of the arts that possesss boardings from the imagtico universe: The triangular methodology. History and the art, as component curricular, establish starting points of different objects of study for different areas of the knowledge.
The inverse one also happens everything will depend on the degree of the capacity of mental expansion of the team to multidiscipline of pedagogical support. Much of the success of the teams to multidiscipline depends on the available time destined to the planning, the exchange and the quarrel of ideas. The assembly of the picture of professors, the pedagogical coordination, the pedagogical orientation, and the direction of the school composes the base of a team to multidiscipline of support.