
Strategic Planning

At last, it was advanced the Third Step of the Strategical Planning Situacional (FEET): Listed the problems, it must be decided which of them we will go to face first. For this, we go to measure where conditions we ahead find in them of the problems. We must take in account our governabilidade, our capacity, our will, the impact that the problem has on our performance and as the problem affects in them. (IT HISSES, 2005, 8) How much to the problems of number 2 and 3, the group revealed much will in solving them, however, reflecting on the question of the governabilidade and the capacity of resolution, perceived that the will would not be enough only, but that the implementation of public politics of efficient basic sanitation and ambient education would be necessary, and still, of available material and financial resources. The group opted then, for working with the problem number 1 and directing the others later. In this taking of decision it was important to consider what it affirms Coutinho to follow: The globalization and the new technologies significantly change the notion of time. The volatileness that characterizes this new economic order very becomes difficult the planning of long stated period. …

The strategical plan, on the contrary of the managing plan, does not inlay in itself lines of direction of long stated period. It looks at the city for the bias of the chance, the vocations and economic potential, and traces strategies politics, social, cultural, of projects that maximize chances and vocations. (COUTINHO, 1999, 23) the room step of the instrument of Planejamento Estratgico Participativo (PEP) guides that if it searchs the causes of the chosen problem, that, according to authors, nor always appear, but that, if found, they facilitate to the understanding and the resolution of the situation problem. It comments Hisses: After chosen the problem that we will go to face, we must explain it, that is, to search its causes, that many times do not appear.