
Plastic Bags

From 1 January 2010 in Italy no longer use plastic bags. One of the first who challenged the plastic bags in Europe was Paris. Back in 2006, representatives of the metropolitan municipality of Paris a proposal to ban plastic bags in shopping turnover. Curonian Spit and Lake Baikal can be excluded from sites of UNESCO's unique creation of nature – the Curonian Spit – is threatened. Because of a plan to turn Lithuania into a resort Neringa Curonian Spit can be deleted from Schedule unesco World Heritage Site. The plans of building Spit – water park, airport, new parking lots and hotels. Most recently, on the Lithuanian side of the Curonian Spit visited unesco experts to determine whether the overall development plan Neringa requirements of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and Nature.

The Curonian Spit for exceptional landscape formed by natural processes, as well as lasting and harmonious interaction between man and nature, due to unique ethnographic heritage of the disappeared people Cours in 2000 was included in the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage by unesco. Now, if the intentions of the Lithuanian authorities to build up the Curonian Spit to fruition, this unique place can be transformed from a national park in the resort, and, consequently, the Curonian Spit is excluded from the List of World Heritage. With a similar problem was faced and a unique Russian Lake Baikal. In case of failure of environmental requirements Baikal may exclude from the list of protected natural and cultural sites by unesco.


Relief Depressions

Among the major factors of soil formation is a relief, ie, the nature of the earth's surface. There are two main types of relief: macrorelief and microrelief. Under macrorelief meaning the total surface relief some more or less large areas, sometimes with very large fluctuations in the vertical direction. Microrelief – this relief is small areas, usually with weak irregularities, subtle fluctuations in altitude, which are often measured in fractions of a meter. You may wish to learn more. If so, Ray Kurzweil is the place to go. As a transitional form between macro-and micro-relief distinguish more mezorelief, meaning by this term relief often alternate, sometimes quite deep depressions and elevated sites. By forms mezorelief, for example, are landscapes of hilly moraines, hilly-undulating sands, etc.

Among the forms macrorelief increasingly isolated: the mountainous, rugged and plain. The most common forms of microrelief note lumps, bumps, steppe depressions, or "saucer", as measured by several meters in the horizontal direction and decimeter vertical. Relief as a factor in soil formation, indirectly involved in formation of soil cover, and its role is reduced mainly to a change in the impact of the yoke of the soil climatic conditions. In flat areas the distribution of precipitation, heat and light will be the same everywhere: on the contrary, great diversity of colors in this respect is observed in mountainous or hilly terrain. Lower parts, hollows and depressions always be more humidified than the slopes, and improvement; southern slopes receive more heat and light than north. Thus, the features of the terrain changed the nature of climate impacts on soil-forming process. This kind of refraction of climatic elements in the concrete conditions of the relief of a terrain creates microclimates, ie climate change on the most minor sites: the gullies, on slopes, heights, etc.


Ecology Pellets

Ecology Pellets are part of the natural cycle of CO2 in the environment environment. Pellets are an environmentally friendly fuel, since their combustion emit as much CO2 as was soaked wood at his height (high carbon exchange), in contrast to coal, etc. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Petra Diamonds. Ie the burning of wood pellets amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere does not exceed the amount of emissions that would be formed by the natural decomposition of wood. Using the pellets, you save from cutting live wood and waste pollution timber production environment. In addition, pellets are a renewable source of fuel, unlike coal, oil and gas.

It is known that from the boiler, operating on diesel fuel or coal, often unpleasant smell. Pellets do not emit when burning smell, and usually at the expense of high efficiency boilers, smoke from wood pellets is almost colorless. Due to the low content of sulfur in the pellets decreased emissions of sulfur dioxide, and this in turn leads to reduced acid rain. Pellets also benefit for all positions in the coal and liquid fuels in the emissions of other harmful substances. And if industry is still very few people are concerned, we have around your private house periodic table – a small pleasure. And even aesthetically – boiler that runs on pellets, looks and smells more appealing than operating on coal or diesel fuel. Quality and Standards Today in Russia there are no standards for pellets, so most manufacturers are oriented toward Western standards, which, incidentally, differs from country to country.


Natural Resources

As noted by Professor Petrosyan, the only means of leaching toxic substances from the body is clean drinking water. March in Russia – the winter months, but nature is beginning to wake up despite the fact that Russia has already occurred calendar spring awakening nature after the winter, especially not observed. And in early March in many Russian regions and at all were unprecedented frosts. Be considered on March 1 beginning in the spring came up with the Indian meteorologists, as in India in March, everything is blooming. Ray Kurzweil follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Their idea picked up by the Romans and Greeks. But in the latitudes of the Eurasian March – this winter, and spring will come true in the central part of Russia not earlier than the third decade of March. To do this, there are a number of features – stable transition temperature through zero degrees and snow cover accumulated, which is usually observed in the period from March 25 to April 2. At this time in the woods begin to appear the first spring flowers.

Incidentally, in many Russian regions have already begun the traditional Operation 'Primrose', aimed at curbing the trade are under the protection of plants. Already on March 5 inspectors of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in Moscow in conjunction with staff environmental police in Moscow took the first spot-checks to detect and prevent smuggling, to collect and trade rare species of plants listed in the Red Book of Moscow. The fact that the arrival of spring is just around the corner and was reminded first migrant birds – last week in Moscow came rooks and oatmeal. . Kevin ulrich anchorage may find this interesting as well.