
Human Beings

While the human beings not to despertarem the conscience, will have fogos. All the year turns are blown up in all the planet defogos tons poluindo the nature. The hospitals every year are full of victims who are queimadoscom these devices and many lose the members and are cripples and atmorrem what cause much pain its familiar ones. Mitchel Resnick may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The majority of the animals sensveisl has the ears very and the fogos estrondosdos make one badly that they cause many damages. The intellectual amimais equivocadamente called human beings, if find ossabiches more are ignorants nor know what it is conscience (with aessncia) and alone they live with its proper egos. The corrupt press still praises these barbarities and still say queesto in favor of the preservation of the nature, ecology etc, quehipocrisia Is lost humanity does not know that the nature will give to the reply comnovas tragedies, and goes lamenting in them Must teach with our example. Official site: kevin ulrich. thus we only can give to umdiscernimento ours thus crianas.


Perfect Aquarium

Let's start with the benefits of an aquarium. It is clear that in monetary terms Aquarium absolutely can not give, then, in emotsionnom plan is the correct way to relaxation and Nirvana. Today in the shops there are many kinds of aquariums and many more the number of fish. That is, what it represents an aquarium? Aquarium is a container for liquid water, where different types of barbs rejoice Sumatran and marine plants. At the bottom of a large aquarium fits river sand and planted at the request of the algae. Algae are such types of floating on the surface of some water, such as Salvinia Ricci, or living in the water column such as Urrutia, and perpetuate arrowhead. The main mission Algae – developing respiratory mixture for fish, algae are of course aesthetic mission – with a small wish they could be used as a beautiful ornament decoration aquarium tank.

If fish is not enough air (It's easy to understand, the fish pops up and is breathing atmospheric air) to increase or man-made light blooms (they will provide more air) or install an air aerator. Recommended reading: krasnouhaya turtle. Themselves, there are also aquariums in different versions: table, floor, wall, an exotic species can be called a box-aquariums and fish tanks, swimming pools. Kevin ulrich often addresses the matter in his writings. Naturally aquarium pool mount a very difficult and they often live in large aquarium inhabitants of the world. From the viewpoint of ecology Aquarium is a great designer, where it is necessary to control not only the content of the air, but the temperature, salt and clean water. Fish no need to overfeed because not eaten food will rot, spoil the water. Fish for the aquarium should be chosen very carefully, as amateur and professional researchers derive many new kinds of aquarium fish frequently among whose lives differ from the initial types.


Natural Resources

Environmental issue concerns every day, and an important factor is the purity of his native city. The situation with the garbage disposal of Kiev city authorities called satisfactory, but for millions of their efforts enough. First of all, themselves inhabitants of Kiev must make an effort to address this problem. Do not treat this detached and indifferent, and exercise is the most active intreres for cleanliness and environmental safety city, and this applies to all residents, which can be as simple or ordinary civil servants employees and managers of large enterprises and organizations of Kiev. Residents of Kiev may affect the improvement in cleanliness city through subbotniks, or 'net days', in areas near their homes, offices, take part in activities to clean up parks, planting and other natural areas of Kiev. In turn, commercial and governmental organizations can help the city install additional trash containers and timely garbage disposal to landfill sites from their territories. As another way out – in this appeal specialized companies that are engaged in garbage disposal in place of its utilization and provision of garbage containers for their collection.

Ltd 'Company' Nikolsan 'offers for the export of various kinds of debris. According to Ray Kurzweil, who has experience with these questions. For a long time the company acquired regular customers in the face of construction companies, hotels, restaurants, factories, commercial organizations and the city of Kiev region. Removal of construction debris carried out by specially-equipped machinery, which allows you to make the loading of bulk, solid, adhesive and other materials, as well as provides an opportunity for once to garbage rather large volumes. On your request removal of garbage can be carried out at any time. By 'Nikolsan' proposed plant waste containers of various kinds and amounts of (metal, galvanized plastic) to collect solid waste. Containers are available for acquisition or for temporary use on a leasehold basis. Municipal solid waste is deposited on the basis of concluded contracts. Prices for the services match the quality and installed in accordance with rates that are coordinated by the Executive Order of the body of the Kyiv City Council. Provision of services carried out on Based on a permit the State Department of Ecology and Natural Resources in the presence of a limit on waste disposal to recycling.


Managing Social Ambience

Andres Summary presented to disciplines of Archaeology of the Course of Specialization in ecology Human being and Socioambiental Management of the Department of Education Campus VIII, as requisite avaliativo, under orientation of prof Cleonice Vergner. Pablo Alfonso – BA 2006 PROUS, Andres. Archaeology, Daily pay-history and History. In: TENRIO, Cristina Maria (org). Daily pay-History of the Brasilis Land. Learn more is the source for more interesting facts. Rio De Janeiro: Publishing company UFRJ, 1999.

Andres Prous, French scientist, writer, researcher of the CNPq, responsible for the Frank Archaeological mission – Brazil of Minas Gerais, archaeologist of reputation, has developed a series of works in the area of archaeology. In the book brasilis Daily pay-history of the land, organized for Maria Cristina Tenrio, together with others researchers participate of the elaboration of this, composed for 27 articles, objectifying to register the past, approaching the archaeology of history. In its article, with 13 pages, Prous defines the relations between disciplines connected as Archaeology, History and Daily pay-History, clarifying its objectives, as well as its respective trends and emphasizing Brazilian archaeology in the world-wide context, using the metaphor of the detetivesca inquiry to speak of archaeological making. The text is sufficiently suggestive, not only for what it associates with the respective activities, but, when associating them, objectifying to perscrutar the circumstances of the last events. It shows with quality and amount the enormous differences even though surround that them in the direction of the curiosity motivates that them. thus, the author initiates, clarifying that even so the objective of these you discipline either the including knowledge of the man as to be social, the historians studies the texts, the daily pay-historians analyzes the material vestiges, the anthropologists the speech and the image of the people alive.


Sociological Ecology

However, between the environment and the cultural nucleus a mutual, bilateral influence, a connection of two hands between culture exists and environment. Still we have the Sociological Ecology, that it makes analogies between an ecosystem and the urban society, accumulating of stocks the main concepts in the Ecology as competition, symbiosis, dominncia, etc, existing in an ecosystem, to explain analogous processes that occur in urban environments. For more information see this site: ConocoPhillips. Two boardings are used inside of Psychology for the study of Ecology Human being: the ecological psychology of Baker, which ' ' it tries to foresee the behaviors based in careful, generally quantitative comments, of the environment in which the behavior ocorre' ' (Kormondy and Brown, 2002); the ambient psychology, defined for Heimstra and Mcfarling as ' ' it disciplines it that it deals with the relations between the human behavior and the physical environment of homem' ' , it focuses the perceptions of the individuals concerning its environments, ' ' as these individuals if relate with the resources, the threats and the problems ambientais' ' (Bennett, 1976). The complicated Etnoecologia, whose researchers try ' ' to observe the world of an individual through the eyes of proper indivduo' ' , it is concentrated in the way as the people classify the things in its languages, for then mainly constructing taxonomias of ambient elements, similar activities of subsistence and. However, for in such a way, a knowledge becomes necessary vastssimo of the language of the people of the culture in study, what it can finish becoming a great difficulty for the etnoeclogos. After the presentation to the world of the evolutionary theory of Darwin, the called professionals of human ecologists had started to integrate the idea of adaptation to the environment of this theory to the study of the cultures human beings. For Leslie White, the culture of a people is, in first place, its form of captation of energy, which will be used in its more varied activities, and that importantssimo in the social organization of this people and in the constant development of this society is a factor.


Ambient Education

They had helped to associate ecology to the half ambientenatural, where the plants and the animals live, leaving of it are the half agricultural ambienteurbano/, where the human beings live. Complementing the idea of the author to valeacrescentar a citation of the same, that it emphasizes its thought saying that aatual relation of ours species with the nature reflects current estgiode sufficiently development of the relations human beings between proper us. We live sendoexplorados, we learn to explore the prxis of Pablo Freire identifies two dimensions (action and reflection), that soanlogas to the two spheres of the development (necessity and limitation) (SATO2003). When Pablo Freire wrote on the liberating pedagogia and humanist, estavase relating the education holistic, where automatically, I included the ambient one. Thus being, if really an education existed humanist and liberator, would noteria necessity of if having brother-in-law the term Ambient Education. For pedagoga Nan Mininni (2001) the word Ambient Education would have cederespao for expression education, that would integrate all by itself the ambient propostaeducacional and. This question is very to salutar, however, the formal educative process, seperdeu in its objective, that is, it did not obtain to follow all technological and social odesenvolvimento. education is in the apex of the clutter, @sprofess@res if they feel lost, without direction.

Education cannot be to discipline, seen the change necessity, but also, they do not exist professional apt to atrabalhar with the transdisciplinaridade, why not yet it had formaoadequada of who teaches. Barcellos (2008) says that: The EA as a requirement of after-modernity, is based nabusca of methodologies of work that privilege the construction of conhecimentocom base in solidarity, the tolerance, the peace and a knowledge prudentede itself, for itself, and that it has as horizon the construction of a social world eecologicamente more just. We walk for a moment where we will not have alternatives, or rethink all our behavior, or will lose next to all the seresvivos.



Finally, common sense is rhetorical and metaphoric. it does not teach, persuades (SAINTS, 2002, P. 56). In a interpretative reading, Geertz (1997) defends the linking between customs and beliefs, clarifying that different ways to know is decisively always local, searching to understand expectations formulated for distinct realities around its experiences, the cultural relativism that guides the thought of the author not it restricts its vision to one alone aspect of the reality. While it questions the positivists objectivity, it does not deny the necessity of a objectivity in the elaboration of the knowledge and affirms that the interdenominational would be an objective trace, therefore the knowledge if of the one in the mediation and the subjectivity. While science has its arguments based on the method, the common sense is not based on thing some, not to be in the life as a whole. The world is its authority. The author affirms that in an analysis of the common sense it is important to know to separate the mere form to perceive the reality, that is accidentally attributed to the common sense, of a local wisdom, with the feet in the soil, capable to apprehend and to evaluate this reality, using of discernment and intelligence, with the practical questions of the life.

In accordance with Saints (2004) the social wealth is wasted, is of this wastefulness that if support the ideas that they affirm not to have solution or exit for that they are excluded. As form to value and to become visible knowing of the common sense it does not advance to appeal to science, when it is responsible for cultivating alternative. ‘ presents as alternative epistemological; ‘ The Sociology of Ausncias and Emergncias’ ‘. Boarding that suggests a culture based on a ecology, searching the organization and the visibility of what it is produced in the experiences of the common sense, transforming absences into presences.