Andres Summary presented to disciplines of Archaeology of the Course of Specialization in ecology Human being and Socioambiental Management of the Department of Education Campus VIII, as requisite avaliativo, under orientation of prof Cleonice Vergner. Pablo Alfonso – BA 2006 PROUS, Andres. Archaeology, Daily pay-history and History. In: TENRIO, Cristina Maria (org). Daily pay-History of the Brasilis Land. Learn more is the source for more interesting facts. Rio De Janeiro: Publishing company UFRJ, 1999.
Andres Prous, French scientist, writer, researcher of the CNPq, responsible for the Frank Archaeological mission – Brazil of Minas Gerais, archaeologist of reputation, has developed a series of works in the area of archaeology. In the book brasilis Daily pay-history of the land, organized for Maria Cristina Tenrio, together with others researchers participate of the elaboration of this, composed for 27 articles, objectifying to register the past, approaching the archaeology of history. In its article, with 13 pages, Prous defines the relations between disciplines connected as Archaeology, History and Daily pay-History, clarifying its objectives, as well as its respective trends and emphasizing Brazilian archaeology in the world-wide context, using the metaphor of the detetivesca inquiry to speak of archaeological making. The text is sufficiently suggestive, not only for what it associates with the respective activities, but, when associating them, objectifying to perscrutar the circumstances of the last events. It shows with quality and amount the enormous differences even though surround that them in the direction of the curiosity motivates that them. thus, the author initiates, clarifying that even so the objective of these you discipline either the including knowledge of the man as to be social, the historians studies the texts, the daily pay-historians analyzes the material vestiges, the anthropologists the speech and the image of the people alive.