
Maria Batista

The local population must therefore play a constructive role in the area and which is not excluded from its management.(Rebellious youth, March 2002) I.4.6 values during recent decades, a large part of the pedagogical reflection has concentrated on the issue of values. At the global level interest in man is prepended to the factor of technology. Many social institutions including religious ones, are busy to revolutionize teaching to give guidance to the science that is looking for the results of its use have a solidary and human sense. (Maria Batista, 2000) Education must help the learner to take a new position in front of your time and your space problems by inserting it into the reality to intervene in it, turning it in the direction of greater freedom for all, communication and cooperation among all men. The author later calls for a vital learning in action, rejects the verbalismo, transmission and accepts the quest for knowledge by your own subject; the learner is not locked chest, but a conscious body to be challenged and responding to the challenge. (Freire, 1967) The trend in educational policies at the request of those who teach is not dogmatically impose a scale of values, a certain moral, but you can also mean decrease skeptically of all scale of values as if the same be just as unfair. It must be based on a rational critical, able to teach rational valuation principles conforming dialogue autonomous in their judgment of value and subject subjects against the judgments of others. (Cullen, 19997) Elections between alternatives, judgments, actions, have an axiologico-objetivo character, but men never single values, just as they never choose the good or happiness. They always choose concrete ideas, concrete concrete, alternative purposes. Their specific acts of choice are naturally related to general evaluative attitude, as well as his judgments are linked to its image in the world.