Fiscal year tends to be very profitable, although it takes some time. Generally the money earned is reinvested by repeating the process. It is a very profitable investment. Even, it can be done at a particular level. A way as we realize the strength of the housing market, is the amount of new construction that we can observe in the cities. It is a solid sample of his rapid progress. In addition to this, they are other factors such as population growth and that are of the first reasons for credit application.
Indeed, businesses of real estate, are highly profitable. Another opportunity to leverage this strength is resale. Bright, well-located sites should be chosen and purchased. Then carried out some improvements, not involving much investment and it is resold at a higher price. It requires to be a specialist to verify the actual status of the property and a good tip on how to give an economic improvement. A good business for resale, can easily mean a 10% profit. And even more, depending on the need for provision of capital.
There are many ways of working real estate. For a good result, must have an available capital. Although to begin with, should not be a good big root. Experience always takes time and requires handling and learn the business. In the capital of Antioquia in Colombia, take advantage of the resource of business with goods roots, reselling. I.e. the sale of houses in Medellin, they repeated the previous year, made some improvements, inexpensive and increase their value. Leases in Medellin, are in a stage of high demand and because of this are very costly. The recommendation is to find with patience and good opportunities. The real estate business is easy, but requires a good assessment of the good, such as location, recovery of the sector, State infrastructure and amenities of different spaces.