Analyzing the tarot major arcana, it is essential to consider the order they have in the harness. Temperance is the arcane number 14, which comes after the death, and this is due to compelling reasons. After the purge of the death experience, it is essential to consider everything that has been to proceed with reconstruction and to improve the situation. The disaster has already passed, this is time to see with what we have been, and what we can do about it. Old habits and beliefs are gone forever. It is necessary to assume new attitudes and fill in the gaps to begin again. Temperance teaches us clearly in the illustration of the arcane to someone who is experiencing new formulas, making precise mixes between two treetops. It’s someone with a higher knowledge, evidenced by the triangle of Divinity in his chest, who knows exactly what to take each situation and how to develop new things with the items available.
The idea of mixing is at the heart of this deck, and this can be applied to many areas of life. Moderation and balance will end in the creation of a new reality, better than the previous one since has been purified with the fire of destruction. Some scholars believe that the character of Temperance is actually the magician, who reappears transformed. The Red Wings of angel, contrasting with their white robes are notable. This gives us the perfect synthesis between passion (red) and purity (white). The purity of the heart and the mind provide a solid foundation, that combined with the desire for personal growth and passion for life as a synthesis will give the ability to fly. In the circulation of the tarot, temperance exhorts us to act with moderation, since we have acquired knowledge to have met the ends.
We have experienced the blackest night and brightest day. This is the time to do something productive with all the knowledge we have acquired. Temperance tells us that it is not healthy to be completely optimistic, nor completely pessimistic. Ideally, opt for moderation and go with the flow. This deck tells us of a need for balance. It tells us that the conflict in which we are engaged only can be resolved through commitment and cooperation, and that he can not live in permanent conflict. Original author and source of the article