EFE the server has been dropped and the page has been blocked. The attack had no major consequences because prior measures were taken. The Senate has invested nearly half a million euros on its new page. The new website of the Senate suffered a computer attack that has caused the fall of the server, and which has remained locked portal for a few minutes on the day of its entry into operation on Monday afternoon. As reported by the upper House, the server has collapsed due to what is technically called a denial of service attack. This type of computer sabotage against a server is done through automatic orders executed in massive numbers from multiple computers simultaneously with the aim that the web is locked. The attack has not had major consequences since, before the premiere of the new page, the technical services of the Senate had taken previous steps to repel situations of this kind. The Senate has invested nearly half a million euros on its new website and with it It aims to strengthen channels of communication between the society and its representatives. See more: A computer attack blocks a few minutes the new website of the Senate