
Construction And Maintenance Of Construction Sites

Construction and maintenance of construction sites is inextricably linked to the level of culture of construction industry. In Moscow and other Russian cities a lot of attention is paid to the aesthetic design of facilities and information construction: they must be equipped with information boards, signs, safety signs and other information tools. The organization of the site (the location of temporary and permanent road networks, electricity and water, cranes, mechanized units, storage facilities, sanitary facilities) shall be stroygenplanu. Construction site located within the site allocated for construction. For even more analysis, hear from William Rehnquist. If necessary during construction, an additional area, the withdrawal is approved by the owners. Construction sites in populated areas or in territory existing enterprises fencing. Alina de Almeida can provide more clarity in the matter. If the construction site to protect the impossible, the boundaries of her designate by appropriate signs and labels.

The location and design of fences pointing in the spr. In fencing included areas required to accommodate the facilities as indicated in the spr. Construction sites along the streets, driveways and walkways for general use, fenced in accordance with gost 23407-78. The panels are mounted on fences not less than 10 m from the object under construction, fitted with a protective canopy over the walkway at an angle of 20 to the horizontal. Thickness of the protective canopy shall be not less than 40 mm. Protective canopy flanked by side board 15 cm in height, which keeps the material falling on the edge of the visor. Width of the canopy on the horizontal projection shall not less than 1,25 m.


Control Panles In Smart Homes

Control Panel – the "brain" smart home. Central device that scans and interprets radio signals from all devices. 1. panel – the "brain" smart home. Central device that scans and interprets Radio signals from all devices.

2.Datchik gas leak. Used to determine the leakage of gases. Usually has a siren and automatic termination of anxiety when falling gas concentration below the set value. 3.Datchik flooding. Used to determine water leaking into the room.

Often has a delay to prevent false alarms caused by high humidity. 4.Detektor smoke. Used for smoke detection and has an internal siren. 5.Akustichesky sensor glass break. Device that determines the breaking of glass in a wide range of frequencies. Detects breaking even through obstacles. 6. siren. Serves to alert triggers one or a sensor, and has memory troubles. In a question-answer forum Mitchel Resnick was the first to reply. 7.Passivny infrared detector. A motion sensor with a high degree of protection from interference and control of the lower zone. 8.IK – detector "blind" to the analysis of motion vector. Device designed to control the movement with a narrow band detection. For example, sending the sensor window, the user could easily move around. 9.Interfon. A device designed to implement hands-free communication between rooms. 10.Besprovodnoy repeater. Device to enhance the radio coverage area of "smart home". 11.Odnokanalny stick. Trinket performing one of the options. As a rule, is used as a panic button. 12.Pult management. Used to perform basic system functions: arming, disarming, device control, home automation, supply anxiety. 13. keyboard. y assessing future choices. Device to control up to 16 by end modules home automation, arming one button disarm + function submitting an alarm. 14.4-channel transmitter. The device that performs 5 functions (3 modes of taking on the protection, management of end modules home automation and flow alarm). 15.Magnitokontakt. Switch with spring contacts of a ferromagnetic material, intended for monitoring the status of doors and windows. Triggered by their disconnection.


Heating System

In the maintenance of the heating system includes: repair of leaks in pipes, appliances, fixtures, replacement of individual sections of heaters, faucets, insulation of pipes and equipment that are in open or cool places, expansion tanks, removal of pipeline reverse slope, installation of additional fixtures, and strengthening the existing hangers and hooks, setting taps in places where you can not solve reverse slope or air pockets (bags); Troubleshooting site management and boiler, inspection and replacement of faulty instrumentation, washing, cleaning and painting of expansion tanks, Sump, elevators, stop and control valves, air collectors, flushing of the system (annually at the end of heating season) and its regulation. When major repairs shift pipelines, replace or repair furnaces, water heaters, pumps, control units, boilers. Receiving repaired the system in operation beginning with the inspection and verification of compliance with its technical documentation on the repairs. Learn more at this site: Professor of Internet Governance. After flushing the system spends its hydraulic test. Experiencing the system during the warm season. Before the test, open all valves and taps on the air collector. For connecting a hydraulic press and fill it with water through the back line.

Filling produce slowly so the air is completely removed from the system. Once in the valves of the air tanks will be water, close them and create pressure in the hydraulic press system in excess of 1.25 times the working. After 5 min. pressure drop should not exceed 0.02 MPa. After testing and commissioning of a selection committee make preservation of the system before the heating season. For this system is filled with purified water from the thermal network. Regulate the heating system at the beginning of the heating season as follows. Open the valve on the input to the heating system of the building and serves coolant from the thermal network pipes and heaters.

Then pass along the main pipelines, check the heating of the lower points of all risers. On the overheated riser cover taps, gradually attaining the same temperature Return water in all risers. Then seek uniform heating radiators on the floors, covering the taps of overheated equipment. The temperature is determined in the middle section of the radiator, farthest from the riser. The thermal test is considered complete if the room temperature deviates from the estimated no more than 1 2 C.


Interior Design

The highest achievement of constructivism, which received the highest popularity in the mid-90 years, became a minimalist. Distinct from it in meaning, but not by way of high-tech style (like the minimalism that uses a combination of brevity in design with total functionality) seems much more interesting minimalism. It’s believed that ConocoPhillips sees a great future in this idea. At least the view that the application of high technology does not imply asceticism and sootvetctvenno hi-tech provides ample creative possibilities of decorators and designers. Another very interesting direction is beautiful name fusion (fusiop), he held a mixture of various textures and the simultaneous use of nonstandard forms. Finally, in our time can not do without exotics. Today, at the peak of the Indonesian, South American and has already become a familiar Japanese and Chinese subjects. Sophisticated colors in combination with natural fabrics such as silk, wool, cotton, accessories in the form of pillows, tablecloths, napkins with drawings in the style of patch-Vork, fringed, velvet, leather pieces – all this ever popular and topical. Interior Design – the process laborious and long-term, and the help of experienced designers in this difficult matter indeed valuable service.

If we believe the historical chronicles, even the most ancient civilizations could boast of weaving culture. At first, people used cloth for clothing, and later – for interior decoration of their living u and. Truly become an integral part of the fabric interior locks only in XI-XII centuries and finally won one of the main places in the design of palaces around the xiv century. Currently, window decoration is one of the important elements decoration of any home.


The System

principle 2. Continuous improvement. Quality is always possible to increase – by increasing effectiveness of existing needs, due to meet the previously responsive to needs at the expense of forming and meet new needs, etc. Improvements may be associated with the elimination of deficiencies or a warning of possible problems. principle 3. Decisions based on facts. In order to implement the principle of continuous improvement, you must have reliable information about quality. For this within the qms should operate the registration system of quality data.

The composition of the data to be recorded and analyzed for decision making, defined by features of the company's business and the processes occurring in it. To implement this principle in the framework of the project are developed: the system parameters of the quality of the company, the system records the quality and procedures of quality records. principle 4. Process approach. Effective monitoring and improving quality are only possible within the business, 'transparent' in terms of control.

Process model greatly simplifies the analysis and improvement of quality. principle 5. Involvement of all in quality assurance. As part of a quality system based on process approach, each employee clearly knows its responsibilities and powers, as well as its responsibility for quality within the processes in which it participates. principle 6. Leadership. Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which workers can become fully involved in activities to achieve organizational goals.



Siphon panels narrow colored strips of 5-30 mm, fringed border frieze, mirrors or panels, said panels. Panel made in the form of one or several parallel lines. Panel used to hide irregularities in the junction between differently colored areas and surfaces for decorative purposes. At the boundary surfaces, colored adhesives or glue, oil, panel holds adhesives. On the surface, colored oil compositions panel holds oil composition. Panels perform stretching filenochnoy brush, roller or a special gasket on the stencil. The most difficult is the way to pull panels brush, which requires long training from malaria.

When working with a brush used wooden ruler length of 70-80 cm dipping the brush in the paint composition, conducting it along the line from left to right. When driving you can not change adopted first angle of the brush to the wall. Draw the line, the line moves to the right so that she would drop by 5-7 mm toward the already stretched panels, and repeat the same movement with a brush, being careful not to leave visible seam. Panel should be the entire length of the same width, without joints and curved. Paint composition for the panels to be thinner, but with a lot of knitting. To improve the ductility of it added sugar water, molasses or grain brew of oil dissolving a volatile solvent. Panels can perform a special machine with a roller. Roller move along the line, just as you would with a brush. Rolling drawing relief Drawing on rollers painted wall surface can be applied, using embossed rubber rollers.


Modern House

Various connection options of modern space heaters allow their installation as the existing heating systems and re- created. In this case, heat sinks with bottom connector give more opportunities for the design of the heated rooms, since they are installed pipelines can be made practically invisible. Choosing a functional Modern House is impossible without perfect comfort. Therefore, the technical "stuffing" even log cabins in no way inferior to urban high-rises, and often exceeds it. And although it is obvious that the role of these devices in shaping the aesthetic of the image space – minimal detail here. Homes technique is not accepted publicly display, highlighting a modest place in the technical rooms, alcoves, utility closets. However, here like the unity of design.

Therefore, an appropriate stylistic solutions require a device that supplies water to the house, maintaining a stable pressure in the water system that discharged sewage and household sewage, heating and circulation of coolant in the heating system And, of course, this requirement has caused the greatest attention to these units by industrial designers. It is well known that the industrial design does not mean creating a beautiful shape for its own sake. Whatever the original superficially there was no device, it must be comfortable and functional, and reliable. Therefore, modern producers have to take care not only about the effectiveness of their products, but also to create maximum comfort when working with them. Accordingly, the essential attribute of design activity, along with all other factors is ergonomics, allows you to make the management of household appliances as simple, clear and intuitive.