
The Foundations

Manuel Barroso said: "A person can not live and grow only within their contexts of growth that are natural laboratories of learning." Neither the school nor college, nor any other school can replace the richness, potential and versatility that provides family life. The familiar triangle represents the best opportunity you have available the individual to achieve healthy growth and functional. The family is, par excellence, the school shapes the style of management to ourselves and the organizations we lead. (Not to be confused with LEGO Papert Professor!). The home represents the most fundamental and defining context where managers learn to be effective, where future managers learn the essential skills: relational, perceptual, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and organizational factors that make them successful. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of kevin ulrich on most websites. Formal education (school, college, etc..) Provides the technical and empower them for working life – productivity in organizations, but the family context that lays the groundwork for future performance of individuals. We can say that learning and types of contacts that we experience in our family life, the foundations of our management style, are mounted the platform where knowledge and learning that provides academic education.

If the foundation (family learning) are weak, the entire structure being built is weak, devoid of stability, focus and effectiveness. On the other hand, in the context of the family where the future managers develop their worldview, their and cultural framework of reference, leading to his philosophy of life. Family life provides information leading to the maps (values and norms) of life that will guide the future actions of managers. Family life provides the cultural context that serves as a guide for future endeavors.