
Internet Resources

Thanks to the multitude of resources that offers Internet, with a simple blow of mouse the students can " elaborar" in few minutes an academic work realising the minimum effort. " To copy and pegar" or simply to print from the Web has become a habitual practice between the students of all the levels, from primary to the university, which prevents that they acquire the abilities for which in charge works are destined.To Miguel, student of 1 of Baccalaureate, has sent Monday to him to elaborate a review on the Celestine. One feels in front of the computer and he keys in Google " The Celestina" , immediately it obtains 162,000 references to this work. First of them, in Wikipedia, already it offers an extensive exhibition to him, where the sort is approached, the structure, the personages, even, in the end, can find a series of connections to the subject, among them, a direct Link to, where Miguel can directly unload in Word a review of 13 complete pages of this literary work. In order to make specific more, it visits, and in their search in the section of works, appears nothing else and nothing less than 145 works dedicated to the work, between which it will be able to choose, from a brief review of three pages, to more extensive of to twenty.

The operation is simple, with a simple copy and beats, Miguel will have in few minutes the work done. The one discovers that it or no, will depend now on its ability.Internet has become the table of salvation for many students who for want of time, laziness or simply comfort use their resources, of illegal way, to elaborate its scholastic or university works.,, or apuntes21, have become sites forced search for these students, who far from to use Internet like inexhaustible source of information to elaborate their works use, it to partly copy or to plagiarize completely or the information.