
Amazonian Forest

From then on, they had started to arrive colonists of some regions of the country, stimulated for the project of settling carried through for then the President of the Republic, Emilio Garrastazu. These colonists brought obtain a multiplicity of cultural habits that will be emphasized in elapsing of this study. It is important to study as if he gave the occupation of the Amaznia to understand the partner-economic conditions of the colonists whom if they had installed in the Transamaznica, in the city of Rurpolis and to visualize how much the settling influenced in the socioeconmicas conditions, as well as the occured modifications from the coming of these agriculturists who had introduced a new social organization here. In sight of this, the factor booster of this study around the origin and evolution social, and economic of the Rurpolis have the intention to understand all the platform where this society in the present time is consolidated, without leaving to emphasize what already it occurred in previous times, therefore as &#039 says Eric Hobsbauem; ' she is necessary to know the past to understand presente' '. With the accomplishment of this work, it is intended to raise the great importance of this project of construction in the center of region North and to clarify as the facts through &#039 had really happened; ' historical photos: as the construction of a hotel of luxury in way to the Amazonian Forest, placed in annex. Also the visit of two Presidents of the Republic the migrantes colonists who had come of other states of Brazil and that they sheltered around the just-constructed city, beyond other facts that had preceded these visits, established in express facts for the press of the time, photos and verbal stories of the migrantes, that had been the true constructors of this locality. Rurpolis is seen by the motivation of its construction and importance of this gigantic workmanship here, that appeared in way to ' ' sea-verde' ' of Brazil. .