From then on, they had started to arrive colonists of some regions of the country, stimulated for the project of settling carried through for then the President of the Republic, Emilio Garrastazu. These colonists brought obtain a multiplicity of cultural habits that will be emphasized in elapsing of this study. It is important to study as if he gave the occupation of the Amaznia to understand the partner-economic conditions of the colonists whom if they had installed in the Transamaznica, in the city of Rurpolis and to visualize how much the settling influenced in the socioeconmicas conditions, as well as the occured modifications from the coming of these agriculturists who had introduced a new social organization here. In sight of this, the factor booster of this study around the origin and evolution social, and economic of the Rurpolis have the intention to understand all the platform where this society in the present time is consolidated, without leaving to emphasize what already it occurred in previous times, therefore as ' says Eric Hobsbauem; ' she is necessary to know the past to understand presente' '. With the accomplishment of this work, it is intended to raise the great importance of this project of construction in the center of region North and to clarify as the facts through ' had really happened; ' historical photos: as the construction of a hotel of luxury in way to the Amazonian Forest, placed in annex. Also the visit of two Presidents of the Republic the migrantes colonists who had come of other states of Brazil and that they sheltered around the just-constructed city, beyond other facts that had preceded these visits, established in express facts for the press of the time, photos and verbal stories of the migrantes, that had been the true constructors of this locality. Rurpolis is seen by the motivation of its construction and importance of this gigantic workmanship here, that appeared in way to ' ' sea-verde' ' of Brazil. .
Tag: history
To teach History is to work with identities, culture and, why not with the formation of the citizens and citizens who exert distinct papers in the life and the Brazilian society. Gasparello (1996) salient: ' ' The new orientaes for the resume of history education allow to promote one practical pedagogical open and dynamic, critical one and to interdisciplinar, worried basically about the question of the citizenship. Such question sends in them to the necessity of institution of a school that if worries about the formation? in this direction the project to point out the pupil in its historical context, in order to enable it to act to transform, and not only to act and reproduzir' '. (P. 90-91) to think a pedagogia that privileges the formation of the student and a transformation in the pertaining to school community, we appeal to the pedagogia of the life of Gallo (1995): ' ' A pedagogia of the life, that acts in the individual level through the release of the individual for the pleasure and the creativity, for the free development of everything what it can be; in the collective level, it makes exactly with that this exactly individual that if develops freely is perceived always as social part of the one all amplest one and that, being able to develop its characteristics freely, them they can and must be harmonized with more you go off characteristic of all the too much individuals that compose the multiplicity social' ' (1995, P. 174). For a pedagogical process with these characteristics one estimates that the knowledge if does not construct linearly and hierarquizadamente in tree as if it believed modernity. Some authors come pointing that the creation of the knowledge does not follow linear ways, but yes varied. Inside of this quarrel I locate myself of form favorable to the duty of the school and mainly, of the education of History in giving its contribution for the formation of people who really come if to become historical agents, citizens (throughout history the citizenship concept was extended, starting to englobar a set of social values that determine the set of duties and rights of a citizen), and not only reproductive of an effective reality, but, transforming of this same reality. Teaching is exclusively to work with the citizenship in different times and space. To teach to pupils and pupils to think critically, questioning the culture of masses that is transmitted to them gratuitously, is a duty of the school while institution of ens
Vladimir Putin
European thought was distorted beyond recognition in the Russian intelligentsia consciousness. Western science, the Western mind assumes the character of certain deities, the critical unknown West. And, as contemporaries Peter in the West would hardly call it Westerner (so as to drive the peasants in the Ural factories for the sake of obtaining equipment for the army, and the Baltic wetlands for the construction there is unreasonably large palaces and squares – is not quite Western path of development), and now Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev is unlikely to be called Democrats and liberals in the West, although they consider themselves liberals and Westerners. It is the fact that so much of Russia copied from foreign designs in a distorted way, the first point of view based on the existence of Russia: Russia as some kind of community is not unique and therefore not so important, where are its boundaries. Russia is seen by some "Technical" state, but no civilization or podtsivilizatsiey. The second point of view on the existence of Russia: Russia had existed before 1917, but until this moment on she had nothing left. Those who adhere to this point of view, appeal to the successes of the Russian Empire, which was a lot (a huge area, the strong international position, economic success is the early 20 th century, and most importantly – the presence of certain traditions, moral and cultural). After that, as "communists" destroyed all that came before them, destroying themselves from Russia's nothing left – some say the researchers. .
Central Brazil
During XX books of history had century left to desire, therefore in register of conquests, of movements popular, of revolts and of many other cases that the politics and the democratization of the country had participated although our country to be considered I pacify, many slaughters if they had occurred on behalf of the power, of the progress and the democracy. The indians had had that if to mobilize constantly to defend its territory of frequent onslaughts. Some etnias had dared to breach the established limits and had searched to assure and to protect parcels of its territories that had been outside of the limits of the Park, in a forceful attempt withhold the annihilating wave of the deforestation of remaining areas of its ancestral territories. While the eyes of the world were come back it Military dictatorship, the exile of the writers, students, politicians etc. the estudantil movement of JOINS and the slaughter of the guerrillas, the progress adentrava Central Brazil specifically in the north of Mato Grosso with the opening of BR 163 for 9 Battalion of Engineering the Construction (9BEC) continued, on behalf of the progress to assassinate indians as the PANAR (the giant indians that inhabited the region between Peixoto de Azevedo and Matup) called for the Kayap of KREEN AKARORE what he means scraped head.
The indians had testified the speed of this process of regional settling with much apprehension, given the scale of deforestation, the degradation of the rivers, the formation of a vast road mesh and the sprouting of the cities, delineating a picture of territorial confinement and destruction of entorno of the Park. The pacification of the Metyktire, for the Good Villas brothers, was in 1953.Em this time, them was called Txucarrame, (the owners of borduna) identification given for its enemies Yudj or Juruna. The same ones belong to the powerful Kayap group.
Telephonic Company
The case was so serious that until the used material it was gives to disappear completely. Thus, in protest the inhabitants of Itabaiana demanded that Mr. Deoclides restored the service telephonic, since the city needed the services. Alleging that other cities of lesser importance made use of the telephone, then because Itabaiana could not usufruct of so important vehicle of communication, since it was avultada by other goods of the progress. In this scene the vicar of the city, the priest has basic paper Freitas, who directed the inhabitants end to demand a solution of the proprietor of the Telephonic Company of Sergipe. However, in read documents I did not obtain to find the outcome of the case of the telephone in the city.
Another problem with regard to communication was the case of the postal service. The luggages of the correspondence were not directed directly for the capital, were sent for Laranjeiras, were two days there the wait of the trains to be dispatched the Aracaju, for being deliver for particular, the correspondences were smuggled. Therefore, the delay and the contraband brought damages for the commerce and the proper post office. Claims and order to mount in the city a postal service direct between the capital were registered telling the archaic one benefit. One evidences that the city although to have obtained advances in some sectors, others were completely insufficient to take care of the population, as the illumination that still at this moment was supplied for particular, Mr.
Manoel Vieira Grandson, and moved the vapor come from the firewood, it only functioned during night until the twenty and four hours. According to Mr. Bartolomeu (2003), ' ' the local one was a cotton plant, had an engine there that it generated the light up to twelve hours, who directed this motor one was Z de Nacum. Of half night in ahead the staff to use to advantage restinho of the party it lit the light of caborete, with a bad one I smell, the fire vermelho' ' (PEIXOTO, 10/01/2003).