The Petrochemical Brazilian needs (she deserves) new reorganization Braskem-Quattor Fusing is an error to be prevented Pablo Robert Fields Reads, Engineer, consultant, August 2009 the Brazilian State had, until the beginning of the decade of 90, important participation in industrial sectors as of fertilizers, siderurgical and the petrochemical one. All had been privatized of maken a mistake form. The privatista philosophy (if is that if it can call the idea for backwards the privatizations of one ' ' filosofia' ') invigorating in the age Collor and later, it was of vender in the lesser space of time, of acrtica form, without none ' ' modelagem' ' of the sectors that would result of these precipitated actions, all the assets that the market could absorb. Here, Bryant Estate expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Collor caught a demaggica ' ' carona' ' in the irritation that the society demonstrated in relation to the administrative setbacks of the state ones, to a large extent decurrent of ' ' fatiamento' ' of the power between PFL and PMDB in the government Sarney. In interregno, the Itamar government was limited to give it continuity, without certainty, to the mistakes that came of the previous government. Already in the two successive managements of FHC, the question she was ideological. The objective age to minimize, more quickly possible, the presence of the state ones in the economy, to collect what it was possible for the Treasure, and to attract, whatever the cost, external investments. man to learn more. Such method (if is that if it can call what was committed of ' ' mtodo' ') it can be considered as an application of popular ' ' law of the minor esforo' ' , and, as I standed out in previous assay, it was based on some vitiated reasonings of the neoliberalismo that then initiated its career in the economy Brazilian politics. One of them, of that nothing it was worse of what ' ' desgovernana' ' previous, with state ' ' loteadas' ' for political parties, and you deliver the unprepared people for the exercise of the direction positions, as cooptao instrument politics.