
Petrochemical Brazilian Needs

The Petrochemical Brazilian needs (she deserves) new reorganization Braskem-Quattor Fusing is an error to be prevented Pablo Robert Fields Reads, Engineer, consultant, August 2009 the Brazilian State had, until the beginning of the decade of 90, important participation in industrial sectors as of fertilizers, siderurgical and the petrochemical one. All had been privatized of maken a mistake form. The privatista philosophy (if is that if it can call the idea for backwards the privatizations of one ' ' filosofia' ') invigorating in the age Collor and later, it was of vender in the lesser space of time, of acrtica form, without none ' ' modelagem' ' of the sectors that would result of these precipitated actions, all the assets that the market could absorb. Here, Bryant Estate expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Collor caught a demaggica ' ' carona' ' in the irritation that the society demonstrated in relation to the administrative setbacks of the state ones, to a large extent decurrent of ' ' fatiamento' ' of the power between PFL and PMDB in the government Sarney. In interregno, the Itamar government was limited to give it continuity, without certainty, to the mistakes that came of the previous government. Already in the two successive managements of FHC, the question she was ideological. The objective age to minimize, more quickly possible, the presence of the state ones in the economy, to collect what it was possible for the Treasure, and to attract, whatever the cost, external investments. man to learn more. Such method (if is that if it can call what was committed of ' ' mtodo' ') it can be considered as an application of popular ' ' law of the minor esforo' ' , and, as I standed out in previous assay, it was based on some vitiated reasonings of the neoliberalismo that then initiated its career in the economy Brazilian politics. One of them, of that nothing it was worse of what ' ' desgovernana' ' previous, with state ' ' loteadas' ' for political parties, and you deliver the unprepared people for the exercise of the direction positions, as cooptao instrument politics.


WAIT Pursuings

Welinton Dos Santos is economist and psicopedagogo Job, credit, commodities, banks, tax of interests, what in the wait? The phase of recovery of the stock markets seems to have started, with some signals showing that we are leaving the deep one of the well, with the performance of the increases of copper, lead, headings of the American treasure and the corporative ones. This is a signal of that the economy starts to react, with the replacements of supplies in the international market, but it has estimates of fall of 9,7% of the exportations of commodities Brazilian agriculturists, exactly with fall of the harvests of the international market. The fall of the prices of the Brazilian agricultural products will be sazonal. See Petra Diamonds for more details and insights. We export to 150 countries, manufactured products that the market projects fall that varies of 7% 57%, however, at the moment it exists much speculation, it had excess of pessimism in some companies and ousadia exaggerated in others, that now they need to adjust to the new realities of consumption. Some pursuings start if to recoup and in some cases the demand already she is warm, in others the stoppage is total in virtue of lack of accessible credit, more than two a thousand companies lock up its activities in the foreign commerce in Brazil this year. In the question of the job, it needs to be practised politics of social interaction that creates new chances of job and income in auto-sustainable productive chains. Eliot Horowitz has compatible beliefs. Civil construction, recovery of degraded areas, energies you renewed, petroliferous sector, telecommunications, commerce, tourism, are pursuings that are generating jobs from this month, however, areas exist that they need better to be explored as infrastructure, sewer net (each R$ 1,00 expense in sanitation represents R$ 5,00 in economy for public health), education and health goes to demand an addition of 3% of the functional picture, still this year. . . Bryant Estates opinions are not widely known.


Elinor Ostrom, The Sign Of The Times

Elinor Ostrom, the sign of the times will be remembered Teodulo Lopez Melendez my continued assertion that the primacy of economics over politics has been one of the causes of most of the evils that have sprung up in modern times in matters relating to the social impoverishment. He claimed, therefore, that policy must regain its primacy over policy and pointed out that this is one of the desirable characteristics to the global world in birth. The fact that a political scientist wins the Nobel Prize in economics indicates, I think, a sign of this reordering of priorities. It could also be called a socioeconomic Dr. Ostrom, because it is valid now speak of sciences which are intertwined and form new specialties.

The economy can not be a cold where the social science is diluted in the macroeconomic or where systems do not prioritize the man, the true object of all economic and political action. To make matters worse, Elinor Ostrom has focused on institutional diversity, the action collective use of land and the theory of public action, among other issues where he has laid a real school. The Nobel was won by his demonstrations of “how the commons can be managed effectively by a group of users.” In other words Ostrom departs from classical economics. His work has influenced biologists, on considerations concerning ecosystems and the development of the tenets of what has been called the commons. A simplistic view of economic systems never took into account the immense opportunity that exists between the market and the interventionist policies of the central states.


Secular Series

2. Methodology Statistics 2.1. Data The data used in this work are referring to the costs in Reals (R$) of the commercialized basic basket, in the city of Belm of Par of January of 2005 the December of 2009. is referenciados by the Intersyndical Department of Statisticians and Socioeconmicos Studies (DIEESE). 2.2. Analysis of Secular Series A secular series is a particular accomplishment of a random process of a variate that evolves and keeps a structure of dependence in the time, where the objective is shape this dependence and to transform the series into a white noise. Shape the basic tool a secular series is the autocorrelao function.

The autocorrelao of a process (series) is a standardized measure of the linear dependence of lag K, defined for: (theoretician). The serial dependence is denoted when: for all lags 1, 2, 3, autocorrelao esteem of lag K is defined by: Whose graph is called correlograma and can be used to identify characteristic of a secular series. The shape objective of a secular series, consists of becoming the random process purely called white noise. A white noise is a null sequncia of comments with constant average and variance and autocorrelaes in all lags. In the practical one, if a secular series shows a dependence structure, must be found optimum mathematical model that describes this serial dependence it transforms and it into a white noise. For such, the methodology of Box and Jenkins can be used.

2.2.1. Methodology of Box and Jenkins According to Morettin and Toloi (2004), a methodology sufficiently used in the analysis of parametric models is known as boarding of Box and Jenkins. The methodology consists of adjusting integrated auto-regressive models of mobile averages, ARIMA (p, d, q), to a data set. The strategy for construction of the representative adequate model of the secular series is based on an iterative cycle, on which the choice of the structure of the model is based on the proper data.


Abstract Increasingly

Each time more the whole world institutions perceives that in order to prosper and to continue competing in the market is necessary intangible consider aspects instead of only abiding it the financial analysis. OBalanced Scorecard was considered as a tool that opens horizontes dasinstituies, is they with lucrative ends or not, for breaking of the pontosfundamentais of the institutions creating new approaches that if add to financeirae generating a holistic understanding the administrators. The proposal desteartigo is to argue the critical factors of success in the implementation of the estratgiado BSC in the IES as well as the process of its implementation, being had as objetocentral the perspectives of the BSC. We present the Balanced Scorecard and suametodologia through the example of> a IES. Abstract Increasingly, institutions around the world carries through that continues you thrive and competes inthe market you need you consider intangible aspects to rather than just stick tothe financial analysis.

The Balanced Scorecard has been proposed a tool thatopens the horizons of institutions, to whether will be profit or not, will be from key pointsof institutions creating new approaches in addition you the financial and creating aholistic understanding you administrators. The aim of this paper is you discussthe critical success factors in implementing the strategy of the BSC in the ISSand the process of its implementation, with the central object the prospects ofBSC. Introducing the Balanced Scorecard and its methodology through the exampleof an IES. Introduction Says that the countable and financial traditional pointers are essential to the correct management of an organization.


Technical Institute

At the Technical Institute of professional studies, we can find different distance courses, professional training of middle-grade and higher grade of different professional families; in particular in our Centre, the courses offered, are divided into two professional families: health and socio-cultural services and the community. A priori, when we speak of these two professional families we imagine two professionals with some tasks and functions completely different, but if we inquire a little on the functions laid down in the curriculum of each professional, we can see that they have more in common than what at first glance seems. If we think in a nursing assistant, we imagine this person at a hospital, passing through rooms carrying trays of food to patients, and performing daily hygiene tasks. If we think of a senior technician in social integration, we imagine it working with groups at risk of social exclusion, for example, performing activities of labour insertion. If we for example look at this function: the professional be responsible for change of absorbents and emptying of gatherers and urinary catheters of passive collection. Which of the two professionals it would it carried out? Most would think in the auxiliary’s clinic, without however also corresponds to one of the tasks of the social Integrator. Similarly, the hygiene of the user, with the bath in bed, the shower, assistance and feeding all these are tasks and functions shared by both professional; which suggests that they are not so far away professions among themselves, with the pros and cons that it entails. The wide range of functions, on the one hand opens up more possibilities of access to various jobs, but the negative face is intrusiveness labor of a few professions in the areas of others, because there is no specific duties of each professional. This makes me think, that at the end, and after all, the point of convergence of many of the professions, although they are grouped in different professional families, is working with people, so that regardless of the specific functions of each, must be taken as a fundamental pillar for a good work performance, basic training in dealing with people, since our users are just that, people who need help from a professional, whatever, and our main function is to take care of them and treat them with good treatment and respect that all human beings require.


Renewable Energy

Although the generation of hidroeltrica energy is classified with renewable energy, the plant construction hydroelectric plants leads great ambient liabilities, as for example, flooding of great areas, promoting alterations in ecosystems of the regions. An example is the plant hydroelectric plant of Tucuru, installed in the Amazonian forest with area of 2.430 km flooded, that it can compromise local biodiversity, extinguish some species, deprive of characteristics some communities quilombolas and aboriginal reserves. The elio-electric generation became enlarged in the world of form sped up throughout the last decade, reaching the scale of gigawatts. One of the factors that limit investments in aeolian enterprises has been the lack of consistent and trustworthy data. The majority of the available anemometric registers is masked for aerodynamic influences of obstacles, rugosidade and relief. The availability of representative data is important in the Brazilian case, that still it did not explore this abundant and renewable resource of expressive form. In function of the ambient impact brought by the conventional sources of generation of electric energy, one has searched to stimulate, the world-wide level, the use of sources you renewed of energy.

In the Brazilian energy matrix, one strong participation of the use of the energy generated for the great hydroelectric plants is observed that, although to be considered as sources you renewed of energy, need the overflow of vast areas, many times of native forests, for water storage. The alternative sources, as of the generation of aeolian energy, still little are used, although the great potential of maritime winds in Brazil, mainly in the coast of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, where if it intends to implant a unit of generation of energy with the use of this potential, more necessarily, in the Lagoon of the Ducks. An important geographic complementaridade between the potentials aeolian and hydraulical in Brazil: in general way, the best ones areas for aeolian exploitation place in the extremities of the electrical system, distant of the generation hydroelectric plant. In this situation, the insertion of aeolian energy in the electrical system improvement its performance, diminishing transmission lines. Investments in the order of R$ 200 MI, gifts in this study, considered high, require based economic feasibility studies in necessary information, with details of the initial investments, markets, processes of manufacture, place of implantation, forms of financings, costs of production, hand of workmanship, maintenance and taxation. These aspects had been analyzed in the present work and were concluded favorably to the implantation of the unit, which is sustainable economically. 1.2. OBJECTIVES This work has for purpose to carry through the evaluation of the economic viability of the implantation of a unit of generation of electric energy proceeding from the existing aeolian energy in the Lagoon of the Ducks, in state of the Rio Grande Do Sul.