
So Paulo

Of these data it can be inferred that the work of professor in the daily one of the classroom is not being developed of adequate form. The same he is happening with the performance of professors. The results of the test of election applied for the State Secretariat of the Education for act of contract of temporary professors of the public net of basic education show why the category if refused to be evaluated. Of the 181 a thousand professors whom if they had submitted to the examination, prepared for the UNESP and applied in December of 2009, about 88 a thousand they had not reached the minimum note to lecionar. That is, almost half of the candidates was disapproved, not having made right half of the 80 questions. as fifth of the final note comes of a punctuation received per the years of service in the net, the average performance of the professors can have still more been constrangedor. Many disapproved already work in classroom. (Estado of So Paulo, 2010, P.

1). In accordance with publication in the Estado of So Paulo (2010) perceives that when submitting the professors the test of election, the state government intended to stimulate same if to enable. The Secretariat of Education of the State of So Paulo, in turn, promised not to re-contract who did not get the average of 5 in the test applied in December. Second same a substance of the Estado of So Paulo (2010), … ' ' contracting the temporary professors disapproved it will not more than leave without lessons 5 million pupils who study in the 5,3 a thousand schools of the Estadual&#039 net; '. The problem is that, when contracting not qualified professors, the government will be retroacting in its strategies to improve the quality of public education in the State. That type of didactic activity to wait of who disciplines does not know it that it teaches? 2,2 Objective of the research: In this research of scientific inquiry it is intended to reach the following objectives: to identify possibilities, factors facilitadores, dificultadores limitations and risks of the efetivao of the strategical and participativo planning in the schools; to live deeply real situations and problems that permeiam the implantation of the planning strategical and participativo in the pertaining to school management; To identify strategies that can integrate in the pertaining to school management representative of the involved pursuings in the work of the pertaining to school unit, contributing for the Brazilian education.