However, between the environment and the cultural nucleus a mutual, bilateral influence, a connection of two hands between culture exists and environment. Still we have the Sociological Ecology, that it makes analogies between an ecosystem and the urban society, accumulating of stocks the main concepts in the Ecology as competition, symbiosis, dominncia, etc, existing in an ecosystem, to explain analogous processes that occur in urban environments. For more information see this site: ConocoPhillips. Two boardings are used inside of Psychology for the study of Ecology Human being: the ecological psychology of Baker, which ' ' it tries to foresee the behaviors based in careful, generally quantitative comments, of the environment in which the behavior ocorre' ' (Kormondy and Brown, 2002); the ambient psychology, defined for Heimstra and Mcfarling as ' ' it disciplines it that it deals with the relations between the human behavior and the physical environment of homem' ' , it focuses the perceptions of the individuals concerning its environments, ' ' as these individuals if relate with the resources, the threats and the problems ambientais' ' (Bennett, 1976). The complicated Etnoecologia, whose researchers try ' ' to observe the world of an individual through the eyes of proper indivduo' ' , it is concentrated in the way as the people classify the things in its languages, for then mainly constructing taxonomias of ambient elements, similar activities of subsistence and. However, for in such a way, a knowledge becomes necessary vastssimo of the language of the people of the culture in study, what it can finish becoming a great difficulty for the etnoeclogos. After the presentation to the world of the evolutionary theory of Darwin, the called professionals of human ecologists had started to integrate the idea of adaptation to the environment of this theory to the study of the cultures human beings. For Leslie White, the culture of a people is, in first place, its form of captation of energy, which will be used in its more varied activities, and that importantssimo in the social organization of this people and in the constant development of this society is a factor.