
Innermost Dreams

Do you have a dream? And you want to realize it by using the technique of positive thinking? Or you have not yet decided on his innermost desires, but intend to do this, then read on. In this article, you will understand what you need do to make your dream come true. 1.Nahodim its can be fulfilled only if you really want. If your dream has warned you to others, it becomes a reality. You should clearly know themselves and their intentions in life. The newspapers mentioned Magnificent 7 not as a source, but as a related topic. 2.Verim that fulfillment of desires and the power of thought suschestvuetPosle how you find your dream, you must have a firm belief that it is implemented.

No doubt and fear. Throw them away. Believe in yourself and divine help. Guessing the real desire, which does not resist your subconscious mind. 3.Pravilno form a mechtuOt this much depends.

Need to declare a higher power of their wish in the present tense and from your face. Many recommend to write it down on paper. And even better to describe in detail your dream, make the whole story. Be sure to include him in their emotions. What will you feel when your dream will come true? Reply to this question. This is an important key to bringing to life what you want. 4.Voploschaem mechtyIspolnenie desire available to everyone. The main thing to know certain techniques. The most effective – is a creative visualization and simoronskie rituals. The main thing to do all the exercises without stress, calm, in a good mood. Perhaps check out Sian Beilock for more information. To enhance the efficiency can still use the formulas of autosuggestion, mantras, prayers and gratitude. More important to live as if you are already got what wanted. Log into the role of lucky. And it will allow you to become one. 5.Ispolzuem principle order to realize the dream, to let her go, not to become attached to his request. Otherwise, your wish or do not materialize or will materialize for a long time. 6.DeystvuemOdnoy power of thought is not sufficient for the fulfillment of dreams. Be sure to make concrete steps. Proceed. Do not be afraid to make a mistake. Better something to do that than nothing. When your dreams come true do not forget to thank a higher power. And even better now to start to use thanks. This technique is good that you focus not on how things are bad, and the good in their lives. And it really helps speed up the law of attraction many times.


Chronic References

It is not well thus! It is because it, to the times says many things. It reads very and it leaves speaking what it read. But, it does not bind pra these things that it speaks, did not see? It is very good. But, very good exactly! I say who it. He is serious! I am that I know. They had said me that it had written things, here in the Internet. ConocoPhillips has much to offer in this field. This and that another one.

Hum! I nor bound! Knowing who he is Hum, I nor bound! He looks at, is thus I leave to say I know it, I make I am time! He showed a drawing to me, one scribbled of color pencil. He said that it was a lion. He thinks, that he was same that you seeing a lion! He was same! I in one said I swim. Nor that this, nor that. (A valuable related resource: Bryant Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon). It left showing to the such the drawing of the lion pra God and the world.

Now, pra in to leave to lie, who to one saw me the drawing, said, in the same hour: That is a lion! It is truth! It can believe, that I in one am to lie! It knows who me, knows. Later it said that it went there, in one such of meeting of the group. What group? But that it talks she is this? It gave the coasts and it left. Hum! It was a group of theater, believes? I worried. Yes, because, at that time people had much fear of the things, n? But it always was thus same, but he disappointed never me. One besteirinha here acol, everybody commits. It are this, that is thing that any person is subjects, I in one has nothing to say of it. If to depend on my opinion, will be for me Clearly, to believe if you a person who created its children daily pay-adolescents, widower, without study, but knowing what it is good education, respect and honor has to take in consideration my words. I boto the hand in the fire for this boy. It does not have fear to contract the Francisco I say, the Braga. I make responsible! Without more at the moment, he signs: Rose Camilo Silva Braga, mother of it.


Sociological Ecology

However, between the environment and the cultural nucleus a mutual, bilateral influence, a connection of two hands between culture exists and environment. Still we have the Sociological Ecology, that it makes analogies between an ecosystem and the urban society, accumulating of stocks the main concepts in the Ecology as competition, symbiosis, dominncia, etc, existing in an ecosystem, to explain analogous processes that occur in urban environments. For more information see this site: ConocoPhillips. Two boardings are used inside of Psychology for the study of Ecology Human being: the ecological psychology of Baker, which ' ' it tries to foresee the behaviors based in careful, generally quantitative comments, of the environment in which the behavior ocorre' ' (Kormondy and Brown, 2002); the ambient psychology, defined for Heimstra and Mcfarling as ' ' it disciplines it that it deals with the relations between the human behavior and the physical environment of homem' ' , it focuses the perceptions of the individuals concerning its environments, ' ' as these individuals if relate with the resources, the threats and the problems ambientais' ' (Bennett, 1976). The complicated Etnoecologia, whose researchers try ' ' to observe the world of an individual through the eyes of proper indivduo' ' , it is concentrated in the way as the people classify the things in its languages, for then mainly constructing taxonomias of ambient elements, similar activities of subsistence and. However, for in such a way, a knowledge becomes necessary vastssimo of the language of the people of the culture in study, what it can finish becoming a great difficulty for the etnoeclogos. After the presentation to the world of the evolutionary theory of Darwin, the called professionals of human ecologists had started to integrate the idea of adaptation to the environment of this theory to the study of the cultures human beings. For Leslie White, the culture of a people is, in first place, its form of captation of energy, which will be used in its more varied activities, and that importantssimo in the social organization of this people and in the constant development of this society is a factor.



Finally, common sense is rhetorical and metaphoric. it does not teach, persuades (SAINTS, 2002, P. 56). In a interpretative reading, Geertz (1997) defends the linking between customs and beliefs, clarifying that different ways to know is decisively always local, searching to understand expectations formulated for distinct realities around its experiences, the cultural relativism that guides the thought of the author not it restricts its vision to one alone aspect of the reality. While it questions the positivists objectivity, it does not deny the necessity of a objectivity in the elaboration of the knowledge and affirms that the interdenominational would be an objective trace, therefore the knowledge if of the one in the mediation and the subjectivity. While science has its arguments based on the method, the common sense is not based on thing some, not to be in the life as a whole. The world is its authority. The author affirms that in an analysis of the common sense it is important to know to separate the mere form to perceive the reality, that is accidentally attributed to the common sense, of a local wisdom, with the feet in the soil, capable to apprehend and to evaluate this reality, using of discernment and intelligence, with the practical questions of the life.

In accordance with Saints (2004) the social wealth is wasted, is of this wastefulness that if support the ideas that they affirm not to have solution or exit for that they are excluded. As form to value and to become visible knowing of the common sense it does not advance to appeal to science, when it is responsible for cultivating alternative. ‘ presents as alternative epistemological; ‘ The Sociology of Ausncias and Emergncias’ ‘. Boarding that suggests a culture based on a ecology, searching the organization and the visibility of what it is produced in the experiences of the common sense, transforming absences into presences.


Psychological Conditions Information

In this Goad educators say that the system of higher education need to make reforms and there kolaps. What happened in schools in recent decades, interesting things that you do not want to learn more? Now there was a special process, called the shift logic of social behavior. Until the twentieth century technology in the global society in Russia and the world almost did not change and the student that would exist and evolve there is enough once in a lifetime to learn and then enjoy the rest of my life learned. And now there was an information explosion! If we take the biological frequency – the frequency of updates generations, since such frequency of updated information on the domestic level. Frequently ConocoPhillips has said that publicly. And for the social rate of take rate of change of technologies in society, since this frequency is updated information that describes the technology. All information that circulates in the community – is called culture. That's just the frequency of social time and partly account for the frequency change of culture. In 20c, these frequencies have changed their relationship and the frequency biological time was less than the frequency changes in social time. How it objectively happened phenomenon affects education? What is important to cancel school? If the technology changes every 3-5 years, the person throughout life need to constantly learn new and emerging knowledge. In the past, people in the early life course and studied all his life could work, but what is the opening of such a medicine could pass on to their children and even grandchildren, now that would not losing employment must constantly evolve.


Machines Beings

INTRODUCTION Has much time the importance of interaoentre human beings is studied and each perceived time more as basic. Our proper biology in them stimulates in the promotion of social interactions since onosso birth, constituting, as we know well, primordial factor sobrevivncia of the neonatos of our species; we need to be well-taken care of for outroshumanos or, very probably, we will perish (BAUMEISTER, 1995). However, asinteraes between human beings are not important only for our imaturidadebiolgica. It is in the interaction with other beings of our species that in the tornamossujeitos, that we define in, that we give them meanings to the world, that vivenciamosas social rules, we learn our possibilities and also our limitations, at last, is in this relation that we constitute in them as truily human. However, many modifications have occurred in the amount and, over all, naqualidade of these interactions in the modern societies, clearly influenciadaspelas cultural and technological transformations.

The present objective work to make a summarized quarrel soon about daatual conjectura of the relations human beings of modernity, aiming at primordialmenteuma analysis of the consequences of the esfacelamento of these for the society deum general way; the focus is the relation between great reduction of interactions human beings, excess of relations with machines and violent behavior/intolerncia. Otexto will make use of concepts of the pragmatismo and will always consider the individual emuma perspective contingencial. QUARREL To be a human being is to be a citizen, and this significapoder to describe it proper itself and its fellow creatures with a vocabulary that nodescreve physical marks or characteristics. To describe the citizen it is to precisofazer use of the intentional vocabulary, mental or psychological; to speak of beliefs, desires, fears, expectations, dreams, ideals, shame, hatred, love, cynicism, escrpulos, audacity etc., things that consist and only are are seen as a way to make or to express something, are an action in same itself (HEIFER JNIOR, 1994)) they cannot be disrespected when we say noprocesso to become subject.


Biological Development

The biological development is not independent of the social one and this is not separate of the intellectual. In the highest point, all are related. The human being is a unit and nothing it happens separately.

So that if it understands the development in the scope I practise makes if necessary to carry through an integrated reading of its multiple factors, conceiving the human being in its biological, social and affective globalidade. The Psychology of the development studies the human development in all the aspects: motor, intellectual, social and affective physicist, since the birth until the adult age, that is, in the age where if he reaches the maturity in all the aspects. For this reason the psychology of the development has as objective understanding of the evolution of its intelligence, affection and social relationship, of its birth until its death. Having as purpose to discover forms of mensurar, evaluating and to interpret the mental organization. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE DEVELOPMENT HEREDITARY SUCCESSION: the genetic load establishes the potential of the individual, that can or not develop itself; ORGANIC GROWTH: the physical aspect is mentioned to it; MATURITY NEUROFISIOLOGICA: it is what it becomes possible definitive standard of behavior; HALF: it is the set of you influence and ambient stimulations that modify the standards of behavior of the individual. ASPECTS OF THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT PHYSICAL ENGINE: the organic growth is mentioned to it to the neurofisiolgica maturation, the capacity of manipulation of objects and exercises of the proper body; INTELLECTUAL: it is the thought capacity; AFFECTIVE: he is to feel; SOCIAL: it is the way that the individual reacts ahead of situations that involve other people.


The Disequilibrium

That is, if it will be able to act on the knowledge object to insert it in a reception system. – From deriving results of its biological research, Piaget concluded that all the species inherit two basic trends: organization and adaptation. – Organization – combination, ordinance, recombination, reordenao of behaviors and thoughts in coherent systems. – Adaptation – the people also inherit the trend of if adaptarem to its environment. the adaptation engloba two basic processes: assimilation and room. – According to Piaget, to organize, to assimilate and to accomodate can be seen as a complex act of stabilization. It affirms that the changes effective in the thought occur due to a equilibrao process. – To apply a specific project to one determined situation and this to function, then exists such balance, but if the project not to produce a result satisfactory then exists the disequilibrium.

Therefore we are in constant process of assimilation and room and with this our dumb thought and progresses continuously. – Other essential factors for the cognitivo development: maturation and social interaction. Maturation? if it relates to the cognitivas functions. Social interaction – interchange of ideas between people. Here, the interaction with other people makes with that it has a disequilibrium in relation the knowledge physical and logical? mathematician. When the thoughts of the child enter in conflict with the thoughts of another child or same with an adult, it will start then to question its thoughts.

– The development of the individual is initiated in the intrauterine period and goes until the 15 or 16 years. Piaget says that the embryology human being also evolves after the birth, creating more complex structures each time. The construction of intelligence of -, therefore in successive stages, with increasing complexities, chained some to the others. To this Piaget it called ' ' construtivismo seqencial' '. According to Piaget, the development of the express reasoning if in the following stages: Sensrio? engine (0-2 years) Pr? operational (2-7 years) Operacional concrete (7-11 years) Operacional deed of division (11-adult) – Piaget believed that all the people passed accurately for the same periods of training in the same order.