The relationship between processes and asset is factor of success in the process of Security of the Information. The used methodology can be divided in three parts: recognition, analysis and classification. The recognition collects all the information on the asset, whereas the analysis makes possible the identification the existing relationship, and the classification, as proper name suggests, verifies and classifies the type of threat. The general objective is the recovery of damages, guaranteeing the protection of the assets front the determined threats. A threat in potential directly affects the assets that more are displayed and this exposition is measured by the vulnerability degree. In such a way, the analysis of risks verifies each functional area of the organization, having to be analyzed to determine the risk in potential and the impact caused for the threats. The Analysis of Risks is the verification of the critical points that can come to present critical impediments during the determined execution of one objective one. Being able to pontuar the main methods of analysis of risks as preliminary analysis, analysis of the imperfection human being and the analysis of the imperfections and effect, and thus, bigger attention will be devotion the analysis of the imperfection human being, with the purpose to prevent the risks, as objective of this article.
The Preliminary Analysis of Risk can be considered as a carried through study superficially during the phase of conception or initial development of a new project or system, having the purpose to determine the possible risks that will be able to occur in the operational phase. It can be interpreted, therefore, as a qualitative initial analysis, be developed in the phase of project, planning and development of any process, or any product, having excellent importance in the inquiry of new systems of high innovation and/or little known. This phase ' ' preliminar' ' it offers to the results of an experience analyzing the risks and verifying if the project, or product, contains some irregularity or deficiency.