
The System

principle 2. Continuous improvement. Quality is always possible to increase – by increasing effectiveness of existing needs, due to meet the previously responsive to needs at the expense of forming and meet new needs, etc. Improvements may be associated with the elimination of deficiencies or a warning of possible problems. principle 3. Decisions based on facts. In order to implement the principle of continuous improvement, you must have reliable information about quality. For this within the qms should operate the registration system of quality data.

The composition of the data to be recorded and analyzed for decision making, defined by features of the company's business and the processes occurring in it. To implement this principle in the framework of the project are developed: the system parameters of the quality of the company, the system records the quality and procedures of quality records. principle 4. Process approach. Effective monitoring and improving quality are only possible within the business, 'transparent' in terms of control.

Process model greatly simplifies the analysis and improvement of quality. principle 5. Involvement of all in quality assurance. As part of a quality system based on process approach, each employee clearly knows its responsibilities and powers, as well as its responsibility for quality within the processes in which it participates. principle 6. Leadership. Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which workers can become fully involved in activities to achieve organizational goals.