
Become Millionaire

All that a person does in his life, must be something natural, easy and rewarding. If people do not flow with what they do, then are not doing what is your mission d life. When people do things that are specially designed, then will be rewarded with satisfaction, wealth, and happiness, for themselves and the universe in general. Some people believe that to achieve what they want, they must work hard and for 14 or more hours a day. And for those people that is the truth. Facts, experience and books and movies I have seen, they say them are and repeated them is.

That must be the truth. In this article I say that this is a truth. But I also have another truth. This other truth is this: you can achieve anything they want doing what more you loves, what he enjoys. And you only need to work doing what you like, just a couple of hours a day or a week. All people have agreed that even the food more delicious, if you eat all the time, comes the time that is lost the taste for it. It is necessary to wait a certain time to enjoy it again. On one occasion someone who I greatly appreciate ate quantities huge his favorite food.

Resulting from that, which then never returned to eat that food. Lost you the taste. He detested it. Approaching she produced him nausea. Well, the same applies to the work in excess. People spend too much time working, so they end up hating what they do. I have good news, you can live a very different life. A life full of pleasures, wealth, and happiness. Best of all is this: every person, regardless of their level of education, relationships, his birthplace, where he lives, etc. can achieve anything they want. All. Anyone can have the life of your dreams and can have it in a fast and easy way.


Exposing Reality

Build a new way of exposing reality. The idea of writing this article arose then observe news broadcasting, newspapers, various media who made me think that you approaching a possible Apocalypse Bible and based on this thinking I decided to rethink many things and here to share them. When we expose a comment, an opinion or a simple idea, we are reflecting an impulse that goes beyond what is perceived at a glance we are reflecting only almost superficial indications, you might say, of what is really motivating us to express ourselves. The idea expressed as such, because suffer variable alterations and modifications, both part of the ethics and morality of the individual to express, as well as by the setting you need to do the expresante to mold your idea to mind want to communicate or to the Group of people who want to grab. Almost all this process I describe is done unconsciously in the vast majority of cases. That is why I am highlighting it here. When we process the information that we are exposing, in general we also make this unconsciously.And we are generating a panorama of what is the reality that surrounds us and of which it formed part. Then according to the panorama that we play, we ourselves will be generating our opinions and ideas (not to say that it is the only way in which an idea is generated in each person) agreement or based on that Outlook. What we see then is that generates a chain effect, an almost mass reproduction of aspects of a possible reality, for those who are part of it is the only one that exists.Then, imagine that an entire day I discuss aspects of reality, (that does not cease to be real) but they are only focused on highlighting the negative, or the materialistic, or unlikely that reality.



RSS is simply one more way to read web content. Technically, is a script, or a series of instructions based on different languages, as we shall see later-, whose mission is to keep the user updated the changes that are made on web sites. Generally, we tend to identify the use of RSS with blogs or blogs, i.e., types of pages where we expect to see new content continuously. But, the RSS can be used with any type of website, for example, a shopping cart that provides new offers, or news about any brand or product line. We can guess, then, that an effective use of this resource will result in better positioning in search engines and an increase in qualified traffic. The procedure is as follows: the user subscribes to RSS feed by clicking on one of the buttons or links that all sites should offer – and by means of an application e.g. Outlook or NewsGator – began to obtain news on your computer, without having to visit the site to check that you have included some new material. A site can have multiple feeds (and called them to each RSS channel).

For example, in the case of an online shop, there may be an RSS feed for new products, other RSS for one certain range (man cosmetics), another one for another (woman cosmetics) line, and thus all necessary. Blogs could exist a feed for the blog in general that report when new post to climb, and a feed for each post in particular, where copied the comments of users. THE development of XHTML language allowed providing the best formats RSS, and thus improve the presentation, saving space. RSS is a format, then others have been developed: RSS2, RDF, ATOM and XML. In general, RSS readers can read all formats without problem. As responsible for a site, the RSS is another way to distribute content, so be it to users or other sites that may include the novelties of our pages through a feed on your own site, in this way, getting incoming links of quality. For the user final RSS allows you to enter the content of a site without having to open a browser, economizing resources and choosing exactly what you want to read. As a positioning strategy, having, at least, a functional RSS and distribute it there are numerous RSS directories – is an idea that has no skinny sides.


North Euros

The plaza can also view the clock tower, used for the famous flight of the angel of the Carnival of Venice, one of the essential events of the city. This tower the SXVI built in the North of the square, in addition to the time mark the phases of the Moon and Zodiac by allowing to the sailors know the State of the tides. The Ducal Palace was the Center where in the sixteenth Council of ten met what can be considered the first espionage system. In cells that are locked up prisoners, indicted on occasions by anonymous complaints can be visited. From inside, you can see the bridge of Sighs, one of the best-known of Venice. This despite relate to loving themes owes its name to the sigh that prisoners were to change from a jail to another. In a city so special and so tourist everything is excessively expensive why, you should book before in any of the hostels in Venice.

Unlike other cities it is difficult to find accommodation cheaper and in the Center, but there are some hostels that have all the comforts and which are well communicated with vaporetto between 20 and 30 euros the night. Of course, during the Carnival should book in with time since the price could increased. On the other hand, wants to save some money on the trip to Venice if very well choose restaurants, since in some tourist sites such as the Plaza de San Marcos cafes only a coffee can cost between 6 and 8 euros. In addition, in most restaurants charge 12% more service, so you must be well fixed to the decision. As alternatives to delve a little more into the most Venetian area as the District of Castello, and try to find or Italian caps that are economic or tramezzino which are a kind of sandwiches that cost 1.50 euros and that are of considerable size.