
Statistics and Company Management

Management company based on statistical indicators in graphical display – very handy and extremely useful tool for business owners and top managers. As owners of companies do not always inside the company and are not engaged in its immediate tactical control. And those who combine the functions of the owner and manager often dream to outsource the operational management of a good top manager. Top manager – in turn sometimes travels on business trips, business trips, conferences, seminars, etc etc. Going back a few days spent on it to "grasp", "razgresti, manage and resolve" to return to normal rhythm of work. Therefore, the idea is to just go away on vacation for 2-3 weeks is often s the owner and the first head "light chill": "And how are all left." Resting in the seaside resort, I periodically observe such a picture – business owner on the deck of a pleasure in the beautiful waters on a boat always return phone calls, runs every 10-15 minutes in a secluded place, so as not to interfere with other travelers Enjoy a tour and solves their production problems. And another picture: the average ceo of the company on a daily basis about 2 hours a day at the beach or poolside somewhere in Thailand spending to ensure that find out how his company into the case and gives instructions to his subordinates, instead of relaxing and fully relax. Of course, control what happens in the company during the absence of first-person – you.


Machines Beings

INTRODUCTION Has much time the importance of interaoentre human beings is studied and each perceived time more as basic. Our proper biology in them stimulates in the promotion of social interactions since onosso birth, constituting, as we know well, primordial factor sobrevivncia of the neonatos of our species; we need to be well-taken care of for outroshumanos or, very probably, we will perish (BAUMEISTER, 1995). However, asinteraes between human beings are not important only for our imaturidadebiolgica. It is in the interaction with other beings of our species that in the tornamossujeitos, that we define in, that we give them meanings to the world, that vivenciamosas social rules, we learn our possibilities and also our limitations, at last, is in this relation that we constitute in them as truily human. However, many modifications have occurred in the amount and, over all, naqualidade of these interactions in the modern societies, clearly influenciadaspelas cultural and technological transformations.

The present objective work to make a summarized quarrel soon about daatual conjectura of the relations human beings of modernity, aiming at primordialmenteuma analysis of the consequences of the esfacelamento of these for the society deum general way; the focus is the relation between great reduction of interactions human beings, excess of relations with machines and violent behavior/intolerncia. Otexto will make use of concepts of the pragmatismo and will always consider the individual emuma perspective contingencial. QUARREL To be a human being is to be a citizen, and this significapoder to describe it proper itself and its fellow creatures with a vocabulary that nodescreve physical marks or characteristics. To describe the citizen it is to precisofazer use of the intentional vocabulary, mental or psychological; to speak of beliefs, desires, fears, expectations, dreams, ideals, shame, hatred, love, cynicism, escrpulos, audacity etc., things that consist and only are are seen as a way to make or to express something, are an action in same itself (HEIFER JNIOR, 1994)) they cannot be disrespected when we say noprocesso to become subject.