Suggestion to develop Playful activities The logical games consider exercise of cognitivas operations as classification, the seriao, the anticipation, the conservation, the compensation Wedge (1988) reaffirms that the toy is development chance and one I stimulate when playing, facilitating and enriching the trick, it also provides the motivation. The playful one is the food for the soul of the child, beyond developing the learning, concentration and intelligence in its creation. Olhar Psicopedaggico in the Vygotskyana conception As Vygotsky (1988) to play propitiates the development of specific aspects of personality, namely: a) affectivity: as many dolls, ursinhos etc, as toys that favor the dramatizao of situations of adult life, equate affective problems of the child; b) motricidade: the fine and ample motricidade if develops through toys as tricks, balls, rattles, games plug-in and to pile up, etc; c) intelligence: reasoning logical-abstract evolves through games type break-head, construction, strategy etc; d) sociability: the child learns to place itself enters the others, if to communicate and to interact through all type of toy; e) creativity: marionettes, games to mount, disguises, musical instruments etc. Beyond the cited aspects, the toys also stimulate the perception, the socially significant capacities sensrio-engine, behaviors and behaviors in the infantile actions. In the Vygotskyana conception, the toy does not condition the action of the child. It only offers a determined support, more than he will produce new meanings through the trick, therefore he transmits one meaning social and.if the toy is understood as symbolic the danger exists of that it can come to be considered as a similar activity algebra, that is, the toy as algebra, could be considered as a system of signs that generalize the reality, without no characteristic that considers specific. It can believe that the toy is not a symbolic action in the precise meaning of the term, of form that if becomes essential to show the paper of the motivation in the toy. .