
Android Developer Tools

The market of software for computers presents nowadays diverse options of software of recognition of images OCR (former.: OmniPage and ABBYY FineReader), however in the market of mobile devices we do not have as much options thus and the results are inferior to softwares for computers. The great majority of scanners is folloied of at least 1 program of Optic Recognition of Character, these techniques presents resulted satisfactory so that the archetype of the applicatory one is implemented. The diffusion and the incentive of the study of the Android platform and the implementation of applicatory in the academic community of the Unemat? Campus Bar of the Bugres, since the programming of applicatory for the Android platform is an unknown and pioneering project in the Campus. 5.FUNDAMENTAO THEORETICIAN 5.1Plataforma Android to implement the applicatory ones will be used compiler Eclipse IDE ndigo having it as surrounding of development. The Eclipse has access to all tools and API? s contained in the Kit of development Android SDK (Software Developer Kit) that it allows to program the most diverse types of applicatory for the Android Platform, but so that this functions the necessary Eclipse to use a complement, plugin ADT (Android Developer Tools) supplied gratuitously for google. The Android it was developed to speed up and to innovate the development of applicatory furniture the operational system Android, this platform contains 12 million line of codes being they 3 million in XML, 2,8 million lines in C, 2,1 million lines of Java code and 1,75 million lines of code in C++. For the manufacturers of cellular, this also was a great advantage, a time that is possible to use the operational system of the Android in its cellular ones without having that to pay therefore. Moreover, the license Apache Software Foundation (ASF) allows that alterations are effected in the code-source to create products customizados without needing to share the alterations with nobody LECHETA, 2010, p.25.