
Blogging Tips

Started a blog? Super! Want to know more about it people? You bet! We have a simple but powerful recipe that includes all the very best of services to exchange links and banners, and more: That's the background to my office, in which, as has become clear, it will be one of the ways to add the incoming traffic to his blog to raise attendance and increase the number of subscribers. I would like to introduce our valued readers to the site BlogUpp! I discovered themselves, drawing attention to an interesting widget, I noticed several respected blogs. Rectangle consisting of two screen shots of some sites to my attention that when you hover the mouse over them, they converted into blocks of text from the article's title and a couple of lines from it. MIT Media Lab may help you with your research. 'What's This? – I thought, and clicked on the blue strip that says' BlogUpp! in the center of the widget: It's nice that you may say: the resource, it turns out, is familiar with the great and mighty – plus sign him kopilochku. Looking closely, found more support services in 9 languages, including exotic Japanese and Chinese. Solid. The following is the text 'skopipastenny' me from the pages of this project is: What makes BlogUpp! best? The service does not require registration and the availability of the account without compromising the confidentiality of an e-mail and do not need to download a banner and no effort No animation and annoying ads protection violations and honest Support exchange platform WordPress, and many other provision of targeted readers all get bonus impressions from the start exchanging best ratio (10 to 9), I became very interested in what will come of this venture and I have decided to try. In the middle of the page there is a field for entering the address (url) blog, where I promptly scored the most cherished symbols do it, as clicking on the 'Come', was not working …

wait a second patient and the code in your full Available: And if you pay attention, if your platform is the generated code, for whatever reason, 'eat' does not want the ready (see under the Code in the picture?) is obliging can credit for another. Comfortable? Sure. Have gone further. Post the code I'm certainly able, but tough luck, display the widget that appears announcements English sites (well at least not in Japan). What is it, I thought, perhaps to some English-language blogger show my scribbling in the language of Tolstoy and Nabokov Leo, which he did not 'kick in the teeth'? So what's the point? I was disappointed. And for good reason. Everything turned out very sensibly. After reading unpretentious manuals to the site, I noticed a line …

We need only the color of the middle part under the banner text BlogUpp!. Gray means that the blog taken up, blue – part blog is approved, red – Blog refused participation … And is, the gray color on my widget showed that my blog has not yet approved, is moderation, and, accordingly, its linguistic identity is not defined (my hosting blogspot, of course aglitskim because and blogs in widget advertised on language of William Shakespeare, our). Incidentally, the review went surprisingly quickly, I do not timed, but not modern, if I say that waited less than an hour. As for the promised traffic, visitors and the increasing number of subscribers, then another, probably too early to assess. But something tells me that I knowingly entered in this event))) The last word is yours, my dear readers.