
Billings APA

For the fact of being distant of the main quarters, in the last few decades had to the population crecimento of the cities, the sprouting of land divisions around of the dams Billings and Guarapiranga occurred, being thus the city grew each time more for the South, invading an extensive area of remaining Atlantic Bush of the city of So Paulo and the region Metropolitan. After 2000, when the interest for the area was despertou, mainly caused by the problems that occurred there, the city hall and the Secretariat of the Green and Environment they had year introduced some programs (public politics) in the attempt to diminish the problems caused for the irregular occupation and the contamination of the dams. The main program dated of 1996 eh known as Program Sources (SVMA, 2001) whose objective is the recovery ambient partner of slum quarters and located precarious land divisions in the region of the Guarapiranga dam. After four years paralyzed, in 2005 the Program was extended and started to also act in the areas of the Billings dam. Had its recent creation, the APA Capivari – Monos is reflected of a new politics of environment in Brazil. The governments are investing of legal form to create units of protection, whose objectives are to keep and to brake the advance of the populations on area of excellent ecological interest and the integral and controlled protection of the diverse ecosystems found in Brazil. 2.4 The Institute Chico Mendes the Areas of Ambient Protection are Unidades de Conservao of the nature of sustainable use and are tied with the Institute Chico Mendes de Conservao of Biodiversity (ICMBio). Created recently in 2007, one is about an entailed autarchy to the Ministry of the Environment of the Federal Government that integrates the National System of the Environment (Sisnama). Being its main paper to manage the 11 Units of Conservation, that are areas of important ecological value, as it is the case of the APA Capivari – Monos, fit to the institute to execute the actions of the national politics of Units of Conservation, being also exerted the function of: to consider, to implant, to manage, to protect, to fiscalize and to monitor the UCs, consisting then of vital importance for the APA.


Itaparica Water

Its hidrogrfica basin represents 8% of domestic territory and 57% of the area of the half-barren one. They are 32 sub-basins, 168 tributaries and involves 505 cities. Its flow is interrupted by two barrages for energy generation, of Sobradinho and of Itaparica, in the verge between the Bahia and Pernambuco. The waters that feed the San Francisco are proceeding from water of rains and underground reservoirs (aquferos). The pluvial regimen of the region is known that, possesss a regimen of short period, which had to the climate and the rain scarcity in all basin, with low pluviomtricos indices in certain periods of year. The basin of the San Francisco is extensive, 2.800km of extension, meets in this region a varied ecosystem, therefore it cuts five states and its hidrogrfica basin is inserted in seven states, with diverse conditions. The pluviomtrico index in the basin of the San Francisco varies of 1.900mm in its spring in Minas Gerais 400mm in the half-barren hinterland northeastern. The river meets in advanced period of training of degradation, with the deforestation of the ciliares bushes and the areas of springs, with ousting of sewer and garbage – domestic servant and industrial of the mineradoras, pans of it and the farming activity, consequence of the action human being.

This problem is preoccupying, therefore only 5% of the sewer in the cities in the basin possess treatment. Impacts that the Project can cause: It was identified 40 impacts, being 23 of bigger relevance more than, considering that 11 is positive and 12 negatives. Between the positives we can cite: # the increase of offers and the hdrica guarantee, generation of jobs and income, dinamizao of the economy regional, increase of offers of water for the urban supplying, water supply for the agricultural populations, reduction of the exposition of the population the emergenciais situations of drought, dinamizao of the agricultural activity and incorporation of new areas to the productive process, improvement of the quality of the water in the receiving basins, reduction of the agricultural exodus and the emigration of the region, reduction of the exposition of the population the illnesses and deaths, reduction of the pressure on the health infrastructure.


Sustainable Development Piagau

As in other categories of objective UC of sustainable use it valuation of the permanence of the traditional communities, that is, the agricultural group, with proper forms of social organization, and that it uses the natural resources as condition for its development. Nor all these communities recognize to live inside of a UC much less on which activities are allowed in these spaces. This article approaches the results reached in the period of 2009 of Program AAV, in the RDS Piagau Purus, mainly the perception ambient of these traditional communities on the use of the natural resources, the strategies of protection/monitoring and action of ambient education. METHODOLOGY the Reserve of Sustainable Development Piagau-Purus, possesss an area of 834.245 hectares and encloses the cities of Beruri, Anori Tapau and Coari. N 23,723 was created from the decree, in 5 of September of 2003, with limits with the Rebio Abufari, Aboriginal Land Ayapu Lake, Aboriginal Land Itixi Mitari, National Park Rising of the Jar and Gleba Purus (INCRA). The vegetation of the region is composed for Ecosystems of firm Land, fertile valley and Igaps with Open and Dense Ombrfila Forest of low lands; Pioneering formation Arbrea and Aluvial Arbustiva. In this unit of conservation activities are developed as: chestnut extration; it fishes advertising and of subsistence; agriculture and research.

In accordance with the plan of management of the unit the activities you harness proposals are: Handling of alligators, quelnios, pirarucu and ornamental fish; Fish commercial flour production; It fishes advertising for local fishing; Handling of not lumber forest products (aa, andiroba) and lumber; Ecoturismo. However conflicts exist as the chestnut extration in private lands, fish illegal, illegal hunting, wooden illegal extration and tourism associated with illegal the esportiva hunting. For being categorized as a unit of conservation of sustainable use it had the necessity of the implantation of Program AAV, to fortify the strategies of protection, monitoring and of ambient education in the traditional communities of entorno and inside of the UC.


Renewable Energy

Although the generation of hidroeltrica energy is classified with renewable energy, the plant construction hydroelectric plants leads great ambient liabilities, as for example, flooding of great areas, promoting alterations in ecosystems of the regions. An example is the plant hydroelectric plant of Tucuru, installed in the Amazonian forest with area of 2.430 km flooded, that it can compromise local biodiversity, extinguish some species, deprive of characteristics some communities quilombolas and aboriginal reserves. The elio-electric generation became enlarged in the world of form sped up throughout the last decade, reaching the scale of gigawatts. One of the factors that limit investments in aeolian enterprises has been the lack of consistent and trustworthy data. The majority of the available anemometric registers is masked for aerodynamic influences of obstacles, rugosidade and relief. The availability of representative data is important in the Brazilian case, that still it did not explore this abundant and renewable resource of expressive form. In function of the ambient impact brought by the conventional sources of generation of electric energy, one has searched to stimulate, the world-wide level, the use of sources you renewed of energy.

In the Brazilian energy matrix, one strong participation of the use of the energy generated for the great hydroelectric plants is observed that, although to be considered as sources you renewed of energy, need the overflow of vast areas, many times of native forests, for water storage. The alternative sources, as of the generation of aeolian energy, still little are used, although the great potential of maritime winds in Brazil, mainly in the coast of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul, where if it intends to implant a unit of generation of energy with the use of this potential, more necessarily, in the Lagoon of the Ducks. An important geographic complementaridade between the potentials aeolian and hydraulical in Brazil: in general way, the best ones areas for aeolian exploitation place in the extremities of the electrical system, distant of the generation hydroelectric plant. In this situation, the insertion of aeolian energy in the electrical system improvement its performance, diminishing transmission lines. Investments in the order of R$ 200 MI, gifts in this study, considered high, require based economic feasibility studies in necessary information, with details of the initial investments, markets, processes of manufacture, place of implantation, forms of financings, costs of production, hand of workmanship, maintenance and taxation. These aspects had been analyzed in the present work and were concluded favorably to the implantation of the unit, which is sustainable economically. 1.2. OBJECTIVES This work has for purpose to carry through the evaluation of the economic viability of the implantation of a unit of generation of electric energy proceeding from the existing aeolian energy in the Lagoon of the Ducks, in state of the Rio Grande Do Sul.


Agricultural Extension

It presents practical and sustainable solutions for the organization of different spaces. The permacultura is the productive ecosystem elaboration, implantation and maintenance that keep the diversity, the resilience and estabildiade of natural ecosystems, promoting energy, housing and feeding human being of harmonious form with the environment (Mollison et al. 1999 apud Jacintho 2007). Holmgren (2007), through the flower of the permacultura, illustrates the seven necessary fields for a sustainable planning throughout generations: According to Jacinth (2007, p.37), the term appeared in Australia if spread out for the North America and Europe, arriving Latin America and at Brazil in middle of years 80. Today, the continents exist justinian codes of Permacultura in all, in more than one hundred nations. Diverse countries, as Brazil, ' ' they come adopting the Permacultura as agricultural methodology e, even though, schools of all the levels are including the Permacultura in its resume bsico' '.

(TO SOUND, 1998. P. 5) Bill Mollison visits Brazil in 1992 and gives 1 Course of Design in Permacultura (PDC), thus forming, the first Brazilian permacultores that they had had the mission to divulge the method and to create the Justinian codes of Permacultura in Brazil. (PERMACOLETIVO, 2009). Currently, are 14 justinian codes located in the states of Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, So Paulo, Gois, Mato Grosso of the South, Federal District, Amazon, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande Do Sul and Bahia, that act in the Brazilian territory in different scales. (PERMACULTURA, 2009). These organizations work, through joint actions with the local community and governmental spheres, in such a way to foment the development of practical solutions for the Brazilian society in urban areas how much in agricultural areas. The performance of organizations, as the INCRA (National Institute of Colonizao and the Agrarian Reformation), EMBRAPA (Brazilian Company of Farming Research), DATER/SAF (Department of Assistance Technique and Agricultural Extension of the Secretariat of Familiar Agriculture) and the Agrarian Ministry of Public Works and the Economy, using methods of the Permacultura, promote practical of handling of the natural resources and the impacts of the presence human being more sustainable.



The outer shell of the planet Earth can be divididir in different compartment: the hydrosphere (or water sphere), the lithospere (or scope of grounds and rocks), and the atmosphere (or the air sphere). The biosphere is the alive matter of the planet. It reaches thus in the other three scopes, although there are no permanent inhabitants of the atmosphere. In relation to the volume of the Earth, the biosphere is only the very thin superficial layer that superficially extends 11,000 meters under the level from the sea to 15,000 meters. One thinks habitually that the life was developed for the first time in the hydrosphere, to brief depths, in the ftica zone. (Nevertheless, at the moment esteem that the life was originated around hidrotermales sources in the depth of the ocean). Then, in the time, they appeared the multicellular organisms and they colonized the bentnicas zones. Photosynthetic organisms emitted, by means of chemical reactions, the gases until arriving at the present concentrations, especially the abundance of oxygen, that characterize to our planet.

The life terrestrial it was developed then, protected of rays UV by the ozone layer. The diversification of the terrestrial species thinks that it was increased by the drift of the continents by aside or, at least, alternatively, to hit. The biodiversity is expressed at ecological level (ecosystem), concerning population (intraspecific diversity), in the species (specific diversity), and at genetic level. The biosphere owns great amounts of elements such as carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. Other elements, such as the phosphorus, calcium and potassium, also are essential for the life, still are presents in smaller amounts. In the ecosystem and the levels of the biosphere, it is a permanent recycling of all these elements, that are alternated between the mineral and organic states. If it wishes to know more information on partial unloadings partial unloadings enter in Original author and source of the article


World War

However, climatic changes will unchain impacts for population in such a way, how much to the animals and plants, therefore it will modify the ecosystem. Being thus, it is analyzed performance human being giving emphasis the activities that degrade the environment and places the planet in alert. This research has as main focus to tell the alterations that come occurring in the climate, therefore successive changes intensifies the increase of the climatic phenomena. Thus, it is aimed at to alert the population that if not to change our habits we will provoke the destruction of our proper habitat. With this, one searchs to show the climatic alterations and, that it has the man as main causer of them. Of this form, the effect caused of it are explanam disastrous action human being, with the objective to acquire knowledge the population. Thus, it is looked by means of this work to take information regarding the changes that the planet comes developing, searching the interaction man-environment. The CLIMATE AND ITS CHANGES To unmask the dynamism of the atmosphere sufficiently require knowledge on elements and the climatic factors.

This demands the improvement of knowledge in the area, what demand very study and technician-scientific development, what it gave to beginning the search for the desvendamento of the atmospheric system. In the fall of the teocentrismo one confided the doors for new discoveries, increasing the research for the meteorological phenomena. With this, it started to develop devices for analysis and monitoramento of the atmospheric elements, giving origin to the meteorological satellites. According to Mendona (2007), with the foundation of Organizao Meteorolgica Mundial (OMM) in 1950, it was the starting point for attainment of information through the monitoramento of the atmosphere. However, since World War I 1914-1918, that already it made use of the monitoramento of this gaseous layer that involves the land, therefore was necessary to know the field of attack of the enemy.


Scientific Development

The scientific development has helped you put in new foundations and think how you produce innovations, linked you the human activities of daily life, how that knowledge changes and creates new processor environments changing lives. This study aims you evaluate the concentration of nutrients in various organic compounds, determines the effects of each compound producing chemical characteristics, using different treatments of experimental design, collect and analyze samples will be chemical quantification of macro and micronutrients in organic compounds. Key words: nutrients, organic compounds, scientific development. 1 AVAILABILITY OF NUTRIENTS OF ANIMAL AND VEGETAL RESIDUES FOR 1,1 PASTURES Justification the technological advances had been notables in the last times, propitiating conditions for new learning, shared, much-needed knowing in the conviviality between the men. study it will have the importance to demonstrate the nutrients extracted of the compostagem, the nutricionais changes in accordance with the environment and organic composite incorporation and catinicas exchanges of the plants animal esterco, observing physiological and chemical aspects.

To use in fertilizaes for improvement of the ground. The compostagem of nutrients in ecosystems of the pasture is a dynamic process that involves ground-plant-animal and the handling of these components. To analyze practical the daily ones of the scientific research. To study the tecnocincias from the dense descriptions of the laboratories, being collected samples and to analyze chemically for quantification, the concentration of the chemical elements in composites not to exceed the limits of security and its use in the ground. Problem Interacting with the technologies, making possible the different areas of knowing, searching all the routine challenges and in additions. The conditions of the plant until the animal and the return to the ground of the nutrients, in view of excrees and great volume that will be able to stimulate microorganisms. theoretical 2.Fundamentao It does not have education without research and research without education.


Governor Nicholas

Of his periplo by the archipelago Gardens of Reina, the Spanish cronista Antonio Perpi: in the middle of the spell when contemplating from those virgin places, elegant and practically spectacular of Reina of the Antilles, it published more ago than one hundred years (1889): country of Las Palmas, breezes and perfumes .la frondosidad of its forests, the beauty of its birds, the colorful thing of its mountains, the surprising thing of its caves, and pleasant of its matting and their oases seeded in its seas forming enjoyable, beautiful and charming archipelagoes. Those same the Twelve enchantments today conserve cayeras of Leguas also explored in 1508, by Sebastin de Ocampo, Galician and bred pilot of Reina Do6na Isabe. From his bojeo by the then island Juana or Cubanacn, it could inform, to the Governor Nicholas de Ovando, in the Spanish, who Cuba is an island, and not a continent, as Columbus believed. The Cayera of the Twelve Leguas is located 50 kilometers of Pretty Beach, Santa Cross of the South, is characterized by difficult navigation. It includes one third part of all the Gardens of Reina and it is possible to be considered like one of the most beautiful zones of the 70 000 squared kilometers of the submerged platform of Cuba. The labyrinth of the Twelve Leguas extends through 135 kilometers of splendid sites for the subaqueous contemplation, with colonies of sponges and great reef gardens. Tens of kilometers of length in their South coast, of beaches of high quality by the extensive fine sand strip, between five and twenty kilometers of bottoms of excellent aquatic landscapes compose to the Twelve labyrinth of Leguas. In the song of the edge of a bank they are appraised the black chorale and diverse species of the marine fauna, that constitute natural relics of an ecosystem meticulously conserved. The nature is impressive through the waters that cover the submarine platform with this beautiful zone.


Moraes Relations

In agreement it ate thought is verified that the society was not considered in the analysis, suaestrutura, but the responsibility of the individual and in its instintivahumana trend of destruction. Loureiro (2008) affirmed that on this question that never is redundant the radical reaction interveno human being, time that exists in the nature ecosystems that dainterao of the alive forms with abiticos elements resulted (not livings creature) and that the espciehumana while to exist on the land it will act on them. For this author quedeve to move is societrio standard e, consequentemente the vision of world that setem and the type of there inserted social relations and production. Essaabordagem strengthens the idea of changes of the society in regards to perspectivasda if to face the reality in its diverse contexts as well as relaesadvindas of these forms to see the world. Numaperspectiva of geographic analysis Claval (2004) in the quarrel on inserodas society in the nature made the following commentary: the nature preexisted aosgrupos human beings, these is inserted in a way. From then on it agreed to oquestionamento carried through for the researchers to this respect that consisted to emsaber as to make to extract of the environment in which if they had established, destined osprodutos to assure its subsistence and to allow to generation apsgerao the reproduction of the members? The approach is global a time that considers umconjunto of ways that integrate the nature, on the other hand, and the society poroutro. Such boarding basically focuses the relations that are estabelecidasentre the human groups and the ecosystems of the spaces where they live. Therefore, combase in the principles argued for Bookchin (1988) Moraes (1997) Claval (2004), Loureiro (2008), in which approaches guided for aspects of degradation of the nature for the society had exercised perspective of boardings semelhantescom; changes in relations of the society with the nature; finally efetivaodessas relations in terms of social dosprocessos reciprocity was evidenced the influence in the nature that stops Soy (1988) this relation must sercompreendida as constituent of a socioespacial dialectic.