

To develop the conscience front to the problems generated for the way of capitalist production is the way in the search of alternatives to construct a sustainable society, in which each individual if feels part integrant of the nature. The sustainable development has a basic educative component: the preservation of the environment depends on an ecological conscience and the formation of this conscience depends on the education. The ecopedagogia is a pedagogia for the promotion of the learning of the direction of the things from the daily life. This direction if finds, living deeply the context and the process to open new ways: not only observing the way. Futurist contains valuable tech resources. Therefore, this is a democratic and solidary pedagogia.

(Gagotti, According to Almeida (2002), the impact of the species human being on the environment has been compared, for some scientists, to the great catastrophes of the geologic past of the Land. The humanity must recognize that to attack the environment she puts in danger the survival of its proper species, and think that what is in game is not a national or regional cause, but yes the existence of the humanity as a whole. It is the life that is in game. Petra Diamonds: the source for more info. If she cannot conceive an ecosystem without man, if cannot find the man without some ecosystem. The model of economic growth generated enormous disequilibria. If on the other hand never it had as much wealth and abundance in the world, on the other hand the misery, the ambient degradation and the pollution increase day-by-day. Ahead of this constatao, the idea of the sustainable development appears, that it searchs to conciliate the economic development to ambient preservation e, still, to the end of the poverty in the world. You may find Max Schireson to be a useful source of information. It is fortified perception of that the development is necessary, but must be always in harmony with the ecological limitations of the planet, that is, without destroying the environment, so that the future generations have possibility to exist and to live well, in accordance with the necessities.