
Caatinga Ecosystem

At certain moments, in the months of February, March and April. This equatorial mass arrives at the coast north of the Northeast Region reaching the Hinterland, causing intense rains. Therefore, that Half-Barren Northeastern has bioclimticas characteristics as: The average insolation of 2.800 h/ano, with 24 annual average temperatures 29 C. For the rain regimen marked for the irregularity (space/time). In the Domain of the Caatinga Ecosystem for its diversity with ground in its majority, areno-argillaceous and crystalline with dominant substratum. Possessing pluviomtricas limitations and low retention of ground of temporary rivers with underground waters with sedimentary or crystalline basins and sedimentary basins of good outflow and quality in 57,53% of the northeast area. In this in case that, only through incentives of productivity in the region of Half-Barren Northeastern, by means of an efficient state and private intervention, directed toward elimination of the effect that desestruturam the decurrent regions of the climatic adversities the one that are submitted geographically. Whose level of development of Half-Barren Northeastern remains inferior to the discovered one in other spaces of the Northeast Region, as the Coastal Region? It kills, the Wasteland, the Half North or the Open pasture.

She is necessary to point strategies and half-barren action directed toward the progress of the Brazilian region that they cause in instituting some foundations of its socioeconmica configuration, giving as estimated its climatic vicissitudes and argued ecological and ambient fragilities with more relevancy. Also in the Hinterland for the production of biodiesel of mamona, that it will be instigated with the objective to generate the social inclusion, in the reduction of the inaqualities and the poverty and guaranteeing the assiduity of the economic process. Adjusting the territory of Half-Barren as potential producer of biocombustveis, always utilizando of this option to include in practical the bashful ones devoid agriculturists of income-producing alternatives. In an action that it will search to promote the competition of the culture in the region, characterizing the productive and technological ability of mamona for the market of biodiesel.



To develop the conscience front to the problems generated for the way of capitalist production is the way in the search of alternatives to construct a sustainable society, in which each individual if feels part integrant of the nature. The sustainable development has a basic educative component: the preservation of the environment depends on an ecological conscience and the formation of this conscience depends on the education. The ecopedagogia is a pedagogia for the promotion of the learning of the direction of the things from the daily life. This direction if finds, living deeply the context and the process to open new ways: not only observing the way. Futurist contains valuable tech resources. Therefore, this is a democratic and solidary pedagogia.

(Gagotti, According to Almeida (2002), the impact of the species human being on the environment has been compared, for some scientists, to the great catastrophes of the geologic past of the Land. The humanity must recognize that to attack the environment she puts in danger the survival of its proper species, and think that what is in game is not a national or regional cause, but yes the existence of the humanity as a whole. It is the life that is in game. Petra Diamonds: the source for more info. If she cannot conceive an ecosystem without man, if cannot find the man without some ecosystem. The model of economic growth generated enormous disequilibria. If on the other hand never it had as much wealth and abundance in the world, on the other hand the misery, the ambient degradation and the pollution increase day-by-day. Ahead of this constatao, the idea of the sustainable development appears, that it searchs to conciliate the economic development to ambient preservation e, still, to the end of the poverty in the world. You may find Max Schireson to be a useful source of information. It is fortified perception of that the development is necessary, but must be always in harmony with the ecological limitations of the planet, that is, without destroying the environment, so that the future generations have possibility to exist and to live well, in accordance with the necessities.


Neurolinguistica Programming

An option: The supervisor could have made a self-criticism: its message evidently did not arrive from effective way, since the other person did not manage to carry out the task correctly. It could have said with serenity and firmness to him: Mire, sincerely I must say to him that the work, on question X, did not walk well What I asked to him clearly was not included/understood, and the sector has had a problem by this. The next time will be better than we verify if it has included/understood everything, before carrying out the task. This form to relate to us to the others, can be applied in any place, with all the people is a style of assertive communication. To this you can add majors to him resources to obtain syntony acompasando the gestures, sensorial language, in aim applying some techniques of PNL. It only requires time, commitment and attention that it includes besides the techniques of the PNL, the emotional aspect, the surroundings, the situation in which takes place the communication and the results will be much more effective, elegant and rewarding. The emotions are important part of our being. .no we must ignore them or repress them yes to include them, to have them in account at the time of communicating and choosing to develop an assertive form to us of communication and with resources of the PNL it is a decision that can remarkably improve your own quality of life. It learns better to comunicarte with the people, that is to say how to persuade and to influence in the others and you will be able to obtain surprising results in your own life All improvement if it improves the communication with same you and with the others You can obtain these knowledge right now, with exercises and techniques of the PNL, of practical and very effective way For more information, visits our Web site, where in addition you will be able to obtain Two FREE E-Books of PNL, with powerful techniques of the Neurolinguistica Programming for ayudarte to change and to improve your life Visit right now: > > > AprenderPNL and suscrbete to obtain your E-Books FREE!


Itaparica Water

Its hidrogrfica basin represents 8% of domestic territory and 57% of the area of the half-barren one. They are 32 sub-basins, 168 tributaries and involves 505 cities. Its flow is interrupted by two barrages for energy generation, of Sobradinho and of Itaparica, in the verge between the Bahia and Pernambuco. The waters that feed the San Francisco are proceeding from water of rains and underground reservoirs (aquferos). The pluvial regimen of the region is known that, possesss a regimen of short period, which had to the climate and the rain scarcity in all basin, with low pluviomtricos indices in certain periods of year. The basin of the San Francisco is extensive, 2.800km of extension, meets in this region a varied ecosystem, therefore it cuts five states and its hidrogrfica basin is inserted in seven states, with diverse conditions. The pluviomtrico index in the basin of the San Francisco varies of 1.900mm in its spring in Minas Gerais 400mm in the half-barren hinterland northeastern. The river meets in advanced period of training of degradation, with the deforestation of the ciliares bushes and the areas of springs, with ousting of sewer and garbage – domestic servant and industrial of the mineradoras, pans of it and the farming activity, consequence of the action human being.

This problem is preoccupying, therefore only 5% of the sewer in the cities in the basin possess treatment. Impacts that the Project can cause: It was identified 40 impacts, being 23 of bigger relevance more than, considering that 11 is positive and 12 negatives. Between the positives we can cite: # the increase of offers and the hdrica guarantee, generation of jobs and income, dinamizao of the economy regional, increase of offers of water for the urban supplying, water supply for the agricultural populations, reduction of the exposition of the population the emergenciais situations of drought, dinamizao of the agricultural activity and incorporation of new areas to the productive process, improvement of the quality of the water in the receiving basins, reduction of the agricultural exodus and the emigration of the region, reduction of the exposition of the population the illnesses and deaths, reduction of the pressure on the health infrastructure.


World War

However, climatic changes will unchain impacts for population in such a way, how much to the animals and plants, therefore it will modify the ecosystem. Being thus, it is analyzed performance human being giving emphasis the activities that degrade the environment and places the planet in alert. This research has as main focus to tell the alterations that come occurring in the climate, therefore successive changes intensifies the increase of the climatic phenomena. Thus, it is aimed at to alert the population that if not to change our habits we will provoke the destruction of our proper habitat. With this, one searchs to show the climatic alterations and, that it has the man as main causer of them. Of this form, the effect caused of it are explanam disastrous action human being, with the objective to acquire knowledge the population. Thus, it is looked by means of this work to take information regarding the changes that the planet comes developing, searching the interaction man-environment. The CLIMATE AND ITS CHANGES To unmask the dynamism of the atmosphere sufficiently require knowledge on elements and the climatic factors.

This demands the improvement of knowledge in the area, what demand very study and technician-scientific development, what it gave to beginning the search for the desvendamento of the atmospheric system. In the fall of the teocentrismo one confided the doors for new discoveries, increasing the research for the meteorological phenomena. With this, it started to develop devices for analysis and monitoramento of the atmospheric elements, giving origin to the meteorological satellites. According to Mendona (2007), with the foundation of Organizao Meteorolgica Mundial (OMM) in 1950, it was the starting point for attainment of information through the monitoramento of the atmosphere. However, since World War I 1914-1918, that already it made use of the monitoramento of this gaseous layer that involves the land, therefore was necessary to know the field of attack of the enemy.