
Power Point

It is important also if not to forget that these resources are good, but as to use them? Where format must appear the texts? If to only take the pupils for the laboratory of computer science of the school is guarantee of differentiated lesson? It will be that the Power Point must substitute the black picture? if to substitute, will better make this or worse that what the chalk and black picture? Beyond metodolgicas questions it also has pedagogical implications and of other shades that if cannot leave to lead in consideration, Moraes (2002 p.3) places with clarity one of these problems when questioning As to educate for a society of the knowledge that requires independent, critical, creative citizens, perpetual aprendentes, using techniques and methodologies epistemologicamente maken a mistake and scientifically unbalanced? How to take the individual to learn to learn, to learn to think and to live/to coexist as planetary citizens, if we work with inadequate pedagogical models in educational environments? To use digital medias requires a format that is compatible with the classroom, after all of account continues being lesson, not obstante the resources you add used to become it better or thank heavens. The texts must appear in formats simple writings or said to allies the images as we have good example in the set of documents of Stolen Jorge ' ' Island of the Flores' ' that making of the Language it adds pertinent information to several you discipline. Care must also be taken when the lesson will be made in the laboratory and well-taken care of still it will be with access the Internet, since the pupil can use to advantage the moment and instead of opening the content indicated for the professor to only open what he interests to it and with aggravation of to be something inadequate for its etria band. in my opinion power point substitutes with extraordinary profits the black picture and chalk, therefore this program ally to datashow exponentially increases the quality of the information that if wants to transmit with more agility, more colors, and easiness for the professor. It is clearly that this is not of form some something that only comes to assist and does not present risk some for docncia, therefore with I assist of the TICs a professor imposes a fine on obtains to give to lessons for an enormous amount of people generating with this the loss of work ranks. As well as the automation of the industry it provided quality of life, little risks for the workers, more incomes, and the relation cost I benefit was extremely favorable for the proprietor, at the same time where it generated an unemployed mass who functions as hand of exceeding workmanship that pressures the wages for low, the TICs can cause effect between the professors the same, to exemplificar this it is enough to think about the EADs where a tutor using itself of the Internet and video discusses folloies pupils of some localities without needing to leave its same city or its house. Not obstante the complications of some orders that the TICs can present it are, doubtlessly, an ally valiosssimo of the professor, and say of the professor in philosophy in the school of average education, extending its possibility of exposition of the content, assisting in the understanding of the texts with resources charges, cartuns, films, musics among others.