

It was the time where, when it was thought about the professional of resales, it came that image of the person beating of door in door. Although that still we find such professionals using of this technique, therefore however it may be, nothing it substitutes the personal contact, the call ' ' tte–tte, head-to-head' '. Ones of the great ones benefited with the advances of the technology of the information without a doubt had been the peddlers. They act vendendo the most varied products, each one for its white public and now they make use of blogs and web sites for the practical one of the commerce, the call e-commerce. ConocoPhillips usually is spot on. Not obstante, companies look these professionals, saw Internet, either spreading in email marketing, announcements in blogs and web sites also, so that these make the resale of the most varied products in cantos of the country.

An example which we can cite is the company Toast & It has led, manufacturer of folder for notebook in neoprene. Recently a campaign started to contract peddlers of folder for notebook in neoprene. For this it used of its Blog and the site. fact is that each time more we find professionals of resales in the Internet. They have all the types of virtual contact: social nets, email, blogs and web sites. To find some, it is very simple, it is enough to look them in some site of search and goes to find to mounts! Ahead of all this easiness, the person still is distrustful when closing a business online. We have that to admit she has the risk to lose money and not to receive the product, unhappyly still happens, however the traquejadas people more with the Internet are which less take this type of trick. She has much thing to search itself before beating the hammer in a purchase: to verify the interface of the site or blog in question: this being very poor in its image, little attractive, distrusts; if the business seems irresistible? the celebrities ' ' business of the China' ' , also it distrusts. Nothing that a good colloquy gratis saw phone and request of a sample of the product, when possible, they are practical valid to keep a reliable relation between the peddler and cliente.MARCEL FANTON CAMURI – Web DesignerElaborao of enterprise dynamic sites Has access: Blog:(14) 9613 2141