
New Technologies

Sandra Maria Hisses Oak Graduated Modern Letters, (UNIAP). Postgraduate in Inclusive Education for the UNIVERSE. Attending a course currently Visual arts for the UFG Teacher of Art and Portuguese Language in the State Net of Education. School x new technologies dichotomy or symbiosis? Summary The present work looks for to approach the relations that if they form between pupils, school, professors in face to the development of more advanced and efficient technologies each time in the communication and the social relations and its use as important part for the education process learning. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Education, technology, relationship the technologies evolve in four basic directions: Of the analogical one for the digital one (digitalizao) Of the physicist for the virtual one (virtualizao) Of the fixture for the furniture (mobility) Of the massivo for the individual one (personalization) Carly Fiorina, former-president of the HPackard the education in Brazil developed it the flavor of the interests politicians and economic of each moment of the national scene, to analyze this contemporaneidade without searching a referencial historical that justifies this present time it is to run the risk of a superficial analysis and inefficacious, throughout the times the Brazilian professional corresponded what she desired herself of it following norms and rules according to interests of the moment. When if he arrives at a chaotic moment and of impasse as our last times are these where to the more advanced technologies they are each time and its domain for young a natural situation, it has that to reflect themselves and to rethink the pedagogical practical education and so that the school does not incur into the error to be as institution to the edge of all the social system. 1. Soon historical panorama of the education Brazilian The formal education in Brazil, except for an exception, always was based on the structures and models foreigners since its invasion.


Manual Transmission

Of course, the second type of training often yields more positive results. – Avtoinstruktor is a professional in their field with extensive experience. When you pass, driving instruction from him, he not only get a set of instructions and rules that must be vyzubrit, but also an excellent practice. Incidentally, the rules, sometimes even an experienced driver can not explain them available as they are set out in the dry form, while avtoinstruktor popular explain each sentence in digestible form. – A modern driver, especially a beginner, is often faced with such features are driving school did not cover. This so-called elements of school life. Better they will teach you qualified private instructor, as you get practice at their own mistakes, which are known are not always without consequences.

Driving instructor, with whom successfully passed a lot of people always is highly appreciated. However, the fit is not just novice drivers, but also those who have already obtained the rights. – Often, after a driving school remained behind, the newcomers have doubts about their knowledge. They are unsure of what can easily integrate into the fast and strong stream of cars or will not be able to park properly. There are other fears of novice drivers. Again in this case, useful services of a professional instructor who will recover memory and help a person feel confident behind the wheel. – There are times that help driving instructor need an experienced driver. This occurs when a person was a big break in the driving or he faced with driving, in which he has never been the practice.

Often people come to Russia from abroad, from warm countries, and first encounter with icing. Of course, they do not choose extreme driving through the streets of cities, not hope "at random". Foreigners and Russians who have not been at home, prefer to be trained in driving sleet from an experienced instructor. – Sometimes need avtoinstruktor and buying a new car, which differs in management of your previous model. Specialist can give you competent advice and learn how to treat a new type of transport you to enjoy from a safe for themselves and other people's driving.