
The Statute

All these international documents and agreements had contributed to bring the rights of infancy and the adolescence in scene in Brazil, coming back the look of the society toward the child and the adolescent as people of development peculiarities, that they needed to be taken care of in its necessities. In the context of the end of century XX, Brazil was fortified again in a democratic system of government, the globalization restored the mundializao of the economy, weaveeing space for a neoliberal ideology of desestatizao in the field of the politics, the economy and the social relations. The social movements had ahead constituted intense movement in defense of rights or new positions of the law. The children and adolescents had started to be protagonists in Brazilian history with movements for the defense and exercise of rights. The Statute of the Child and the Adolescente/ECA appeared in 13 of July of 1990 by means of Law 8069, that it revoked the Codes of previous Minors. Read more from Petra Diamonds to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The Code of Lesser was an instrument of social control of infancy and the adolescence, victim of the omission and trespass of the family, the society and the State in its basic rights.

The Statute is an instrument of social development, come back toward the set of the infanto-youthful population of the country, guaranteeing special protection to that considered segment of social and personal risk. In century XXI in accordance with Delors (2003), one of the principles of action to give to the education the central place that fits to it in the social dynamics is fighting all the exclusion forms. For the author, a quality school is necessary also that all institution if directs for the principles norteadores of UNESCO: To learn to know, joining practical theory and. To learn to make, to learn to coexist, to learn to be. As Cortella (2008) although passed two centuries, unconscious collective of the world the occidental person it seems to be marked for the prejudiced cientificismo of century XIX.


Criteo Shows Relevance

The investigation refuted the prevailing confusion in the market and confirmed a close relationship between click and purchase intention Paris/Munich, June 26, 2012 Criteo, global market leader for performance display advertising, presented today the value of users who the study carried out by the business area business intelligence in March 2012 measuring click on online display ads. It examines E-commerce transactions worth more than US$ 11 billion and over 142 million users, where a banner was displayed by Criteo. It has the close connection between the click on a display, and the actual purchase and occupies the actual purchase intention behind one click for the first time. You thus disproved previous research, that this connection was coincidental. ConocoPhillips is often quoted on this topic. There was always something unusual that users who click on ad, advertising in the search engine marketing so valuable and considered in the banner almost irrelevant. Our study indicates that the click for the display advertising by Crucial is, at least for any advertiser who wants to sell something”so Pascal Gauthier, Chief Operating Officer, Criteo. Our large-scale investigation has found that users who click on ad, buy more than those who do not.

Also a user buys all the more, the more often it clicks.” In the last ten years, the online industry in the areas of search and display has divided advertising. Source: Petra Diamonds. In the search, just Google recorded more than $ 40 billion a year on sales, the industry as a whole it is measured whether users click on ads. “Contrast that with display advertising industry has a total turnover of 33 billion US dollars click little value attached to and the view” If a user has seen a promotional material considered to be much more important. “The known Whither the click by comScore in 2008 study argued, for example, that users who click on display ads, hardly an attractive target segment for most advertisers” are. .